While waiting for my tank to be finished being drilled, I have placed my regal tang, engineer goby and small chromis in a 30 gal tub and have been treating them with para guard since two of them had ich. They have been in there since last Thurs. Yesterday I did a 5 gal water change. Today I did a 12 gallon change since my readings were sky high. I put ammo lock in a few days ago and again yesterday. I tested after the change and the ammonia is at 0 but the nitrites and nitrates are still up, the nitrates are at 10 ppm., hard to read the nitrites (it is the red sea kit and the color is pink but that color is not on the chart:notsure: ) The water is real cloudy and I added some charcoal and phosguard. I am using the coral life salt. My ph is now at 8.2, when I tested today before change it was very low. Does it drop that fast from 8.2 yesterday to about 7.6 in one day? I have a powerhead, heater and a penguin filter only for water movement. I did seed the bottom of the tub with a thin layer of substrate from tank.
What should I be doing differently?
What should I be doing differently?