fish list for 175 bf fowlr


Would this list be possible???
Maculosus AngelfishTank Raised
Lyretail Anthias, Red, Male
Lyretail Anthias, Orange, Female
Panther Grouper
Volitan Lionfish
Arothron Dog Face Puffer
Banana Wrasse
Clown Triggerfish
Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Naso Tang
6 green chromis
I am a little concerned due to some being peaceful and others being aggressive. I will have a u.v. sterlizer about 150 lbs of life rock and fuge with lots of macro. tank is not up yet just some fish I really like. I would buy them all small and add the more aggresive fish later most likley finishing up with the grouper wrasse and trigger. what do you guys think?????


I think the 6 chromis will make an excellent meal for your lion and grouper... :joy:


yeah they may just go to the reef tank lol was thinking a school would be neat to have. Do you think the other fish would be ok ?????? If so this should be one neat tank. was also thinking about a brittle star will these fish mess with him?


That is way way overstocked. The trigger MAY nip at the lion and clown triggers are known forbeing especially mean. Anthias probably need more females than that. Here is my list
naso tang
volitan lion
maculosus angel
yellow tang
Might be a little conservative but if you think about the adult sizes of these fish than it doesn't seem so bad. Tangs need a ton of swimming room also.


I think you at least got most of my fav in there. I really like the trigger sucks that he will mess with the lion. I think I would also add to your list the Blue/Hippo tang. You are right about the adult size of these fish that is why i posted I was hoping you guys would help narrow it down a bit. Most of these fish seem to like the mid to high sections of the tank. This will leave the bottom mostly open any suggestions on that??? No puffer either man this sucks so many cool fish to choose from this will be one of the hardest things I have done lol.


Active Member
4 fish in a 175, why bother?
i have a 70 that has been doing great with:
flame angel
2 percs
clown goby
sailfin tang
they are all peacefull and healthy, great shape.... just make sure you add them once a month so the bio load can adjust.......
i sometimes feel that people can't take cARE of fish that why they need huge tanks with 2 fish in them (imo) not trying to offend anyone
planty of people i know have fish for yrs in smaller tanks.... just gotta know what you are doing


4 fish in a 175, why bother?
Keep in mind that the four fish listed grow pretty big! You could of course add more than 4 fish if their max size was smaller.
Why bother? It all depends on what you want out of a tank and enjoy. If you really love some of the larger specimins that means less number of fish. If you get the same or even more enjoyment out of those handful of fish that someone gets out of a dozen smaller fish then everything is great!! Why go with more smaller fish if the bigger ones are the ones you really like?????
No offense to you either, drea, but I feel you may be pointing people down a path that will lead to headaches down the road. Your best, safest bet is not to consider the size of the fish when you buy it but to consider how large it will ideally grow down the road. Logically, even using the conservative for FOWLR rule of thumb of 1" per 5 gallons of water, I should be able to safely stock a 10 gallon tank with at least 2, 3-4" yellow tangs, right? NO WAY would that work in reality!!! If I could keep the water parameters right in that small a system I'd still have problems as a 10 would be ok in inch of fish per whatever gallons of water but it doesn't take into account the fact that tangs like to have a good amount of tank length to swim fast. Then you have the problem of as they grow, not even considering the mere stress of even one tang in that short a tank, they are going to WAY outgrow the inches of fish per whatever gallon rule of thumb!! If I did this (hey, it's according to the "rule"!!) they WOULD die. It's not a matter of IF it's just a matter of WHEN.
If you don't care about your fish having the best chance at reaching the maximum lifespan possible and want to keep restocking fish because yours die sooner than they would in a larger tank, go right ahead. But THAT I don't see the point in. Truly taking CARE of a pet means seeing to it's health and happiness down the road as well as short term. Some of us care about that and feel quality is better than quantity.