Fish list for 29g


I think 5 would be ok since for the most part the are all small. Might be pushing it a bit, but I think you can get away with it. Just remember to add them slowly. Also you might want to do a board search for sixline wrasses. If I remember correctly most don't survive to well in captivity. I could be wrong about that though.


Thanks Toughguy, I have some bristle worm population in my tank i dont want them to populate too much thats why i was thinking 6line. But any other suggestion about that problem would be nice
Thanks again


I really don't know to much about them. I thought I might have read on here a while ago that they had a special diet, but I might be mistaken. I do know that at times around smaller fish like the goby and clowns they can be aggressive. You might want to consider making it the last fish you add.


the sixline will be fine they eat mysis to and you have enough rock and and small fish so that list should be fine if you can add a skimmer to the tank then it will be defently fine and i would also recomend upgrading the powerheads as well


Originally Posted by purebullet
the sixline will be fine they eat mysis to and you have enough rock and and small fish so that list should be fine if you can add a skimmer to the tank then it will be defently fine and i would also recomend upgrading the powerheads as well
I have Coralife Super skimmer 65 and i have 1 MJ1200 and 1 MJ900 powerheads. Sorry I forgot write them there. I already have 2 clowns I am thinking to add Yellow watchman in a week and after 2 more weeks add Coral beauty and after a month or 2 6line. Is this priority good ?