Fish List for 55 gallon

I will be getting my 55 gallon tank set up in the next 2 weeks. I will have 90 lbs of live rock to cycle the tank. Looking ahead for fish, I want a six line wrasse, coral beauty, 2 clownfish (percula) and I really like the Midas Blenny. This is probably too many fish adding the Midas Blenny I'm thinking. I also want to put in a couple of carpet anenomes. As far as coral's go, I won't be doing any for a very long time. Any suggestions anyone? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


Active Member
the five fish u listed would work. the cb need to wait a little, since it likes a mature tank with lots of lr to graze on. 1 carpet anemone is enough since it can grow big. also make sure u hv the proper lighting to support one. good luck.


Active Member
I'd honestly consider a smaller, more docile anemone than a carpet. Once you start filling the tank in with stuff you'll realize just how much room you don't have.
What kind of anenome would you recommend? The reason I wanted a carpet is because I had one before and it did really well until the tank crashed. We had it for I believe 3 years.