Fish List for my 40gal


New Member
hi, I am setting up my 40gal breeder tank (36x18x12) and wanted to make it a aggressive fish tank. Right now I have 2 adult (3" size) green chromis in there cycling the tank. I would like to get a fuzzy dwarf lion or antenneta lion, snowflake eel and puffer (probably valentini puffer). I guess I want to know if they are compatible in the tank . It will have live rock, sand, etc the standard setup.


Active Member
right now in my 40g fowlr(fish only with live rock) i have a valentini with a niger trigger, 2 percs, a coral beauty, and a yt damsel.. and soon to be a snowflake eel
so i think you should be all set
**i have a plan for a much bigger tank for when the trigger and the eel are too big so i would advise you to keep a upgrade in mind for the lionfish,eel


New Member
what is the growing rate for the snowflake eel? I mean if I get a small one right now, how soon I need to upgrade it to a bigger tank?


New Member
after reading other thread, knowing that eels will jump put the tank if it isn't probably cover, and my tank have the hang-over filtrations so it has some opening on the cover. So I don't want to risk the eels jumping out when I am not home. I really want a dwarf lion (dwarf zebra or antennata, don't care much about fuzzy lion), and maybe the puffer... what else can I put in there with some medium/big snails and hermits. I am thinking like hawks or something that like to swim or hang out at the bottom of the tank. Any suggestion? :notsure:
p/s: did I read some people even put clowns with dwarf lion? :scared: