Fish List for my 50 gallon


Active Member
I have a 50 gallon with 2 1/2 inch LS bed and 60 lbs of LR. My tank has been setup for 2 months and my current stock list is:
1 Serpent Starfish
1 Emerald Crab
10 Turbo Snails
10 Blue Leg Hermits
2 Green Chromis
1 Maroon Clown
2 Feather Dusters
I would like to add:
1 Yellow watchman Goby
1 Royal Gramma
1 Coral Beauty
My question is.......
Is it ok for me to add these fish? I have researched them and it seems like a good fit but I figured it wise to run it by yall. Also, What are some alternative fish choices I could consider?
Please and Thank You!!!


If you are new to saltwater aquariums, I have heard that Percula Clownfish are really good beginner fish. I would also wait around 7 months before adding the Coral Beauty Angel.


If you get an Maroon Clown, I would only get 1 or 2 because they can sometimes be aggressive towards each other.


Active Member
Thanks for your replies. Perhaps I think my wording in my initial post may have been a little confusing.
I already have:
1 Serpent Starfish
1 Emerald Crab
10 Turbo Snails
10 Blue Leg Hermits
2 Green Chromis
1 Maroon Clown
2 Feather Dusters
I would like to add:
1 Yellow watchman Goby
1 Royal Gramma
1 Coral Beauty
In regards to the dwarf angel I will definately be adding him last as he will be the most aggresive of my tank inhabitants.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Travis89
That looks like a good list to me except I might do a flame angel instead of the coral beauty.
Thanks Travis. Any particular reason you would choose the flame or is it preference?
I also plan on adding some beginner corals such as zoos and shrooms in due time.


Active Member
heres a ton of fish to consider that would go/fit in your tank
Orchid Dottyback
Royal Gramma
Blackcap Basslet
Midas Blenny
Lawnmower blenny
Sand Perch Blenny(often confused with scooter blenny)
Occelated Dragonet
Spotted Dragonet
Green Mandarin Dragonet
Stellate Dragonet
(Dragonets need lots of live rock other wise you will have to buy tigger pods)
Yellow Assessor
Blue Spot Jawfish
Purple Firefish
Fire Goby
Helfrichs Firefish
Rainfords Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby Paired with a pistol shrimp
Clown Gobies
decorated Goby
Black ray or white ray shrimp goby
Yellow headed sleeper goby
Diamond goby
Catalina Goby
sorry if you already have these i forgot your fish list


Active Member
let me know what you like becuase some of the fish i listed would not go with other fish i listed
You could go Google images to look at pictures of all the fish if you dont know what they are


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
Thanks Travis. Any particular reason you would choose the flame or is it preference?
I also plan on adding some beginner corals such as zoos and shrooms in due time.
That's just preference, they are brighter, but they are also more aggressive and more likely to pick at coral then the coral beauty.