Fish List Help?


I havea 46G tank with 60lbs of LS and about as much of LR. I am using a Fluval 404 and will be getting the remora pro or bakpak2 soon. I have the 36 inch smartlight set up. I want to keep it FOWLR for now but want eventually to moveonto a reef setup.
So the Questions is? I have one 2 inch blue chromis and two 1 inch percula clowns (which I just added.) I am so undecided, I dont know what else to put in? any sugesstions?
Also, how many more fish do you think is enough for this tank set up?


thanks for your help, I do not want to put too many in. I am trying to figure out which ones to put in, but with all of the choices it gets difficult. Guess I have to just do it, decide that is. I figure maybe about 2 or 3 more, depending on size.
I already have some cleaner shrimp (2) and about ten margarita snails and some hermit crabs. As far as regular crabs I dont know which ones would be ok and which would not, so I havent dont anything with them. I was also thinking of putting in a couple of different shrimp, like peppermint and fire.


I would add a larger fish as your "show-piece"
Maybe a reef-safe dwarf angel?


one of the big mistakes i made was adding fish to fast, add one at a time and see if you think you should add more