Fish List in Progress Input wanted! LOL


Ok I already have a Sixline and a Kupang Damsel, and only 3 scarlet hermits (I will be getting at least 10 more and narcissus snails!)
I have a 70 Gallon tank with 2.5 inches of LS and 20lbs of baserock,
I will be adding another 10-15 lbs of baserock and then 30 lbs of LR.
I was thinking about fish and could only decide on these two:
1 Flame Angel
1 Mandarin Goby (I will have to wait until I have a good supply of pods and the LR going well)
I am currently running a CPR HOB Skimmer good to 250 gallons and am looking for a return pump for the sump, the one I have is not sufficient (Looking for a Mag 5 or something around the 600GPH as I have the 4' Overhead for the return)
I also have a CPR 90 Overflow.
Currently as I am not running the SUMP I have a Penguin bio wheel running good to 100gallons. (I know this is bad but I am working on getting it OUT asap)
I would also be getting cleaner shrimp and other inverts.
Any input on fish I could get would be great, also I have seen on most sites that the flame is reef safe but only one said it was not. Any input?


i'm not a fan of damsels, but to each his/her own. that fish list will be fine. dwarf angels aren't considered reef safe 'round here because some have a tendency to nip at corals.


Yeah I know about it and would be ready to take him out if I noticed it. Any other fish I could add or would this be it?
I just cant make up my mind, the dam I have is a sweetie and hasnt beaten on anyone, actually have found him getting cleaned by the wrasse, they play all day so I dont see adding other fish a issue as he runs and hides a whole bunch! LMAO
Chicken butt of a damsel I have! LMAO


you should add a pair of clowns, like occelaris(sp) or percula(personally i like the occ. better but thats JMO. and maybe some kind of hawkfish if you arent planning on any shrimp, maybe a flame or longnose hawk.


I was thinking about some shrimpies, like cleaners and maybe once I get LR some others as well, so not going with that last fish, no hawks.
Ok so for now I have
Kupang Dam.
Flame Angel (With Cution, this site says they are reef safe...)
mated pair of Ocellaris Clowns
Mandarin Goby
Probably 2 Cleaner shrimp
10 Narcissus Snails
15 Hermit Crabs
2.5'' Sand Bed
How does this look?

I will probably add more LR once all are in but for now this will be the start and then I will add the clowns and then the Angel, Why would advertise them as reef safe?



OK I guess this is the final list then.
Kupang Dam.
Flame Angel (With Cution, this site says they are reef safe...)
mated pair of Ocellaris Clowns
Mandarin Goby
Probably 2 Cleaner shrimp
10 Narcissus Snails
15 Hermit Crabs
I still dont know why they are being sold as reef safe...


Alright one last question for yall.
I am going to be setting up a QT tank in the next week and wanted to know if a 10 gallon would be sufficient for 1 fish (mostly worried about the Flame angel)
I would of course be getting the clowns together but the Angel would be the last addition before the mandarin.
Just wanted any ideas on that as I dont want to kill my Display Tank and dont want to kill the QT fishes.


Thanks for the re. I still like the mandarin better and am fully aware of his needs I will try him and hope for the best and trust me I wont put him in a tank without it being fully ready for him.
If this attempt and it will be a very long drawn out preparation for him, doesnt work I will definitely try the diamond.
I have to get the mandarin for the man he loves them and I have to do the caretaking! LMAO


Active Member
get the spotted mandarin rather than the green/blue one. They have been known to accept frozen foods easier and overall do better in the home aquarium than the other ones.
I have a regular blue/green one in a 44g and he is fat and happy so Im sure you will do well either way you go.
Good luck and let us know how it goes


I have looked at both and I will think about the spotted I just prefer the pattern on the green he is so much more interesting.
I will def consider that as I really want a mandarin! LOL
Think I could add a diamond goby to the list as well?
J/w since I like them both! LOL
And I plan on getting tons of pods as soon as I have the SUMP working again and seeding that and the tank with over 1000 to start with and hope the damn 6-line doesnt eat all of those!
Little piggy!
he only comes out to eat! LOL


So otherwise my list looks good?
70 gallon Tank
30 Lbs LR
30 Lbs BR
2.5" Sand bed (established for 3 years)
Sixline (Already there)
Kupang Damsel (Already there)
1 Flame Angel (Last added)
2 Black and White Ocellaris Clowns (tank Bred and male and female)
1 Mandarin Goby (6 Months after the LR is established)
1 Diamond Goby
Cleanup Crew
15 Hermit Crabs
10 Narcissus Snails
Any other sand sifters I should get?
Thanks all for your input it is greatly appreciated.

I am so excited! I will get the LR and BR first as I allready have 20lbs of BR in there that is established with the sand for 3 years!
YAY I am getting a reef soon! LOL


You could think about adding a royal gramma or some tye of anthias. If your fish list isn't final yet.