Fish list please check


I have a 3 foot 58 gallon tank with overflow box, pro clear 75 wet dry with protein skimmer, and a stand. I painted the back and sides with flat black krylon spray paint. I plan on getting a Odyssea 36 inch metal halide bulb with 2 pc's also in it and blue LED's. I have 50 lbs of fiji live sand and plan on getting 100 punds of live rock. The circulation (500 gph) will be great along with the 1.025 salinity level. I want a reef tank with soft coral, hard coral (more than soft), inverts, and of course beautiful (but not too expensive) fish. Here is the list:
-Percula Clownfish x2
-Royal Gramma x1
-"Skunk" Cleaner Shrimp or Fire Shrimp x1
-Bubble Tip Anemone x1
-Firefish Goby x1
-Spotted Mandarin Dragonet x1
-Copods x a lot
-Pink Tip Hatian Anemone x1
-Feather Dusters
-Red Gorgonian
-"Pom-Pom" Crab
-Live Rock and Live Sand at correct weights
-Corals (hard and soft) not sure which yet (will research for correct methods of care)
-Probably will get more anemones in future when i learn more about them
-Cleaners from a 30-90g reef package


LAX one thing about ur list is the mandarin, the tanks a little small. but i think u can pull it off it u do add 100 lbs of LR. just let ur tanks mature for about 6 months to a year. also wut LFS do u go to around here?