Fish List Suggestions....


I am running a 125 gallon FOWLR for 9 weeks now.....
Stock List:
45 lbs live rock and some base rock
10 turbo snails (1 week old)
2 percular clowns (1 1/2 weeks old)
1 damsel (9 weeks)
Crushed coral ( I know everyone says sand, but I have always had great luck with CC)
Wish list:
Emperor Angel
Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Firefly Fish
Long Nosed Hawkfish
Niger Trigger?
I am looking to get a fish this weekend....which should be my choice?
My levels have been good....Nitrates are still around zero last time I checked. The brown hair algea I had is going seems like there is brown stuff though like powder on the live rock and base rock.....What is it????
Im not sure which fish would be the best to get now.
Opinions please?!?!??!?!?


If the firefly you mean the fire dartfish I would not suggest that fish with the rest of your list. The dartfish is too timid and won't eat with other highly active fish. Also, if you are set on a large angel I reccomend one of the following; annularis, yellowbar or majestic. These are the smallest of the large angels. Annularis being my fav of those. But to answer your question the hawkfish should be the first one introduced. Angel last and really don't see any difference when your adding the rest of the fish, tangs and the trigger.


no not a dartfish.....I meant a firefish goby....if not the long nosed hawkfish now b/c I may never get one.....I never really see one around and I am skeptical on them.....what would be the next one. Doesnt an Emperor need premier water conditions to survive......I have been told not to do a water change until like month 3 and I am not getting a protein skimmer until probably christmas?