Fish list?


New Member
I have the following in my 125 gallon tank. The fish have all been in there for 4 months so far. I've read about SFE and seems like some people have good luck and some dont'. I feed him pretty heavy and so far, he's been peaceful. Same strategy with the lion and so far he's been cool. He swims around and kinda just does his own thing. MY LFS guy says tangs should be kept in odd numbers, is that true?? My two are good buddies and geta long great.
yellow tang
sailfin (desjardini) tang-absolutely beautiful fish
2 green chromis
1 maroon clown
1 signal goby
1 coral beauty
1 mandarin goby
1 mini dwarf lion
brittle star and sand sifting star


If they get along great don't worry. Every fish is different just as every person is. So if they get along don't worry.