fish list...


Active Member
we are thinking about getting a couple agressive fish for our tank
it is 44 gallons with a wet dry and skimmer. there is about 20+ pounds of LR and 20lb of live sand.
our pet store told us these fish would be ok for our tank...
humu humu or clown trigger
dwarf lion fish
maybe a dwarf angle
would this be ok. if not what is wrong with the list and why


Active Member
Triggers and Tangs need a minimum of 75 gallons and larger because they need alot of swimming room. Skip those fishes. The dwarf angelfish will be a nice appetizer for the lionfish. So this brings it down to the lionfish. He will be fine in a 44 gallon tank.


the triggers would need like a 125gal for a huma and a 300gal for the clown trigger and any tang would pretty much need a 100 gallon or so but the dwarf angel and lion would be a really good choice for that size tank.


Active Member
well we are prob gonna get a humu humu anyway. if it gets too big or something we will sell it back. what are you predictions on what will happen if we get one? and do you think a blue hippo tang would be good for our tank? and also can you recommend some fih taht will go well with a lion or humu


Active Member
I doubt you be able to return it to your lfs. All Triggerfishes and Tangs require large tanks of 75 gallons and larger. They need alot of swimming room. Obviously your lfs only cares about making money and will sell you anything. Don't buy it or you'll be sorry you did.


For the long term, you would not be able to keep the trigger. However, I have had one in a 55 for 2 years and he's barely grown. My other 2 fish have completely passed him up. They seem to have a slow growth rate, at least in my fish's case. You will eventually have to upgrade if you want to keep him forever. Mine is getting ready to go into a 90, because the other fish are getting close to out growing the tank. Also, the general consensus seems to be that they get more aggressive with age. Mine is a complete puppy dog right now. But he's relatively young. Another thing is that alot of people have had a trigger live peacefully with a lion for years and then suddenly snap and kill the lion. I do have mine with a lion, but I didn't hear this tidbit until after I put them together.
I don't think a dwarf angel would do well with any of those fish,JMO. However if you set up a community tank and want a dwarf, I highly recommend a potter's angel.
Good luck.