Fish list

Since I have wait for my tank 2 cycle I have been thinking about my fish list. I think I want a peaceful system. I have lots of books and I think I have a good list. All the fish would be in the tank
90 gal
1 Flame Angelfish
2 Heniochus Butterfly (they are good in pairs?)
2 False Percula Clownfish (mating pair)
1 Lyretail Anthias - Female
1 Velvet Fairy Wrasse
1 Bicolor Blenny
2 Royal Gramma
1 Flame Hawkfish
and some cc
Is this to many fish? They are small fish? I think that may be to many. Lots of time on my hands to think.


Active Member
i had my sixline wrasse in with my royal gramma and they HATED each other. I had to take the royal gramma back

crypt keeper

Active Member
No. Not too many. As long as your filtration is good enough. How much live rock? Watch your hawkfish with shrimp and some hermits. They may go go bye bye

crypt keeper

Active Member
you posted in both sections. To answer your question about clowns being aggressive. Yes they can and are and will be. They are damsels. They will bully any other fish that is smaller and less aggressive.


Active Member
Minus the heniochus, the list is respectable. A single heni will be cramped in a 90. A pair would not flourish long term. They grow quite large and are very active.