Fish List


Hello, I am picking fish to put in my 72 gallon bowfrotn tank. I need you guys to help me out on this one.
1) 2 Occelaris clowns -or- 2 maroon clowns (tank raised, too aggressive?)
2) Powder Brown Tang -or- Power blue tang -or- blue and yellow hippo tang
3) At some point I wanted to have a green mandarine dragonette
No coral at the moment but I want fish that will play nice when I do add coral. Let me know your opinion.
Thank you.


Active Member
I can tell you right away you'll get flak for wanting to big long tangs in a tank that size. I would recommend ONLY a yellow, purple or sailfin in such a set up... or you could push it and get a long body species.
If you get a mandarin --- have lots of live rock with lots and lots of pods and preferably a fuge somewhere in the mix for a food supply -- some eat prepared foods but most don't.
Clowns.... those can go either way as some are overly aggressive and some are fine.
My opinions anyways


Originally Posted by jackri
I can tell you right away you'll get flak for wanting to big long tangs in a tank that size. I would recommend ONLY a yellow, purple or sailfin in such a set up... or you could push it and get a long body species.
If you get a mandarin --- have lots of live rock with lots and lots of pods and preferably a fuge somewhere in the mix for a food supply -- some eat prepared foods but most don't.
Clowns.... those can go either way as some are overly aggressive and some are fine.
My opinions anyways
I mean that I am picking only 1 tang, I am wondering if any particular tang would be a problem.