fish living with ich!


Can fish constanly fight ich and live with ich in the tank for long periods of time? These are fish that have been Qt'ed before entering the tank under hypo the precise way.
reason why i ask is because i see my fish spotless at times and other times i see white spots appear on the fins, sometimes a little sometimes a lot.


Staff member
Are the spots only on the fins? Do the fish scatch or dart around. If this has been going on a long time, and the only location of the spots are on the fins, then it could be that what you are seeing is lymphocystis.
Do a Search here on lymphocysitis using the Search Feature at the top of the site. There is a lot of discussion about he subject.
If the problem is ICH, then, left untreated, the odds are against your fish. They will sooner or later die of untreated parasites.