Fish losing color, please help


Ok. thanks for the PH help. I have noticed another problem the last couple days. At night when I turn the lights off, come the next morning a few of my fish are pale. This has only happened the last 2 nights. They were always full of color before now. They regain color after a few minutes, and after eating. What could the problem be? What should I do?


Many fish lose their color at night or change colors entirely. Some even add spots. It is a form of defense to protect them from others who may want to eat them while they are sleeping.


Active Member
my freshwater red tail shark does it too. when the timed light comes on his tail is clear, but then it turns red fast


that is normal at night for some fish to get pale looking, esp yellow tangs, etc...also could be a sign of old age, i know a friend who has an old domino damsel jet black that now is almost casper white....
Also you might want to switch your food, some foods are made for enhancing fish colors as well as being a proper diet to the fish' needs...