fish losing color when added


I added 3 damsels to my 55gal today and I noticed the colors faded shortly after I added them The light was off and the room was fairly dark. About 5 hours later the colors were back to normal. Is this a normal ocurrance due to fear or stress from changing tanks?


Active Member
actually, IME, the damsels we have had and seen, dull in dolor, almostt pale sometimes, when the lights go out, but after the lights go on, it comes back in several minutes, i think it is a chameleon like effect, to hide them from predators at night
I have done no actual studies, but this seems to be normal for many damsels(maybe even all), if i am wrong, i am sure someone will correct me soon


Both of my 3-stripe damsels to the same thing either when scared or just after the lights go out. It has happened since I got them so its seems like a natural thing. I wouldn't worry about it.