Fish, missing in action, please advise


On Sat., I checked the tank and everything was fine. Meaning that all was there the 2 green chromis, 6 hermets, 1 emerald crab, and 1 pepermint shrimp. That was about 4 pm est., I notice something strange at feeding time the smallest green chromis wasnt eating, so I didnt pay any attention to it, thought maybe he will begin eatting soon. I came back to the tank about two hours later and he was gone, not to be found. Well first I thought that maybe he was on the bottom since at night they both go to the bottom. The next day only one of the green chromis had sufaced. At that time I begin to run test and everything was fine except for ammonia it was at .25, I believe this to be from feeding. Before running test I searched the tank lifting all of the LR and still no fish. I can not fine him. Oh let me say that the fish and the inverts are only 1 week old in this tank, and the largest chromis chase the smallest chromis around all the time. This week I plan on adding more inverts, should I wait until I find this fish?, Could the emerald and shrimp have ate him ? Please Advise.
55 gal w/ wet/dry filter w/ sump and bio
2 402's power heads
300 watt heater
berlin skimmer
65 lbs LS
55 lbs LR
1 green chromis(1 MIA)
1pepermint shrimp
1 emerald crab
6 hermit crab


Active Member
They probably ate him. I have a flame angel missing now. But i have about 100 crabs so there is no telling.