fish not eating



I bought a blonde naso tang two days ago. he pretty much just stays in the corner not swimming too much and he's not eating. I have a unicorn tang that seems to be a little aggressive towards him at first but now he dont bother him much. what could I do to intice him to eat?

p fish

I bought a blond naso as well about a week ago and he is doing the same as yours not eating


Active Member
Originally Posted by G_tank120
I bought a blonde naso tang two days ago. he pretty much just stays in the corner not swimming too much and he's not eating. I have a unicorn tang that seems to be a little aggressive towards him at first but now he dont bother him much. what could I do to intice him to eat?
Give him more time. BTW, if your profile is current and this is your 4th tang in a 120; you may experience some real tang wars. Although the tangs you list aren't the nastiest of the group. Four tangs, a Volitan, and a Banner is really pushing your tanks capacity.


Active Member
i suggest if your running carbons remove them from the tank.. start dosing the tank for the next few days with melafix this will at least reduce his stress .try to feed a few times per day when there are new to a tank they can be very shy eaters although you might have a tad of overfeed it will give him time enough to eat while your not looking ..try some emerald entrese thawed in a cup then dump into the tank .you can soak these in selcon and or garlic extreme to boost vit in it for him ..also try flakes and pellets a seaweed sheet for a tidbit to munch on.. as for the aggression from your unicorn they are the same family and do not normally play nice together