Fish only eye candy...

nm reef

Active Member
Most of the time I'm over in the reef forum...seldom come over here but I do keep what I consider a very nice little 58 gal oceanic fish only system. CPR BacPac2r skimmer...DSB of about 5"-6"...about 60 lbs of LR...numerous snails of assorted types...A few power heads for circulation...small mechanical filter for additional water movement(and carbon) is standard NO lamps(2x15 watts of actinic with 1x30 watts of dayglow). Actually a very simple little system that is nearly two years old and virtually maintenance free. Levels have been stable at 10-20 ppm nitrates and ammonia/nitrite are zero. The only additives ever used are monthly 10% water changes...nothing else.
Current friends I keep in my lil 58 are:
My condy anomone that has been in this system for almost 18 months now...

Here is another pic of the condy along with my yellow tang...the tang was added a few months before the condy so it is about 20 months or so with me...and doing fine in the 58 gal system.

Current fish other than my yellow tang is my percula clown...I once had a mated pair but the other went carpet surfin while we were away....

I also keep a sweet little pygmy has been in here for over 18 months now...

The most recent addition is a beautiful 4" niger trigger...

I also have my red coris/formosa wrasse in this system but he hides in the sand bed right quick whenever the camera is near!
Anyway...I wanted to post a few looks at my little fish only system....mostly because I seriously enjoy it(not as much as my reef...but close!)...and because since its almost two years old I wanted to share it with the folks here.:cool:


Thanks for sharing NM!!!
I love my 180 FO tank. It has become relatively work free in a short time. I'm done stocking it... You know, unless something changes! <evil grin> It's full of little fish that will become big fish someday. It requires very little cleaning anymore. I generally do the windows while I'm in there feeding!
I think that it's not a challenge anymore! Nothing like the work I do in my 3 reef tanks! I'm almost constantly in them! My hands are trashed! They are so dry and cracked they hurt! I put lotion on only wash it off so I can put my hands back in the tanks! I no longer sport my sexy long nails! <smile> Makeup? Who has time! Husband? Thank GOD he's into televised sports!!!
It's an addiction! There's NO hobby to this! <smile> My work is cyclic so I've got the holiday season and maybe 1/2 of January (I'm pushing it!) before I really have to do anything other than play in my reefs. I keep thinking that then I'll go back to working, cleaning, cooking, grooming...!!! <smile>


NM: My fish eat (fight over really) each other's excrement. (Wondering why my tank requires little cleaning? <SMILE>)
Is this normal? They are well fed... LOL! I mean I feed them 2-3 times a day. Just piggies?


Hey NM! NICE you have a bigger home for the Niger or will it live a comfy life in that 58? I have a 55 so i was ust curious..beautiful fish they are..well THanks!

nm reef

Active Member
Time will tell how long the niger stays comfortable in the 58...and nope he's never nibbled the anomone...not even munched a snail and there are a few dozen hermits in there far all he eats is the foods offered.