Fish only start up


New Member
I am thinking of doing a fowlr in a 26 bowfront that I just purchsed. I thought I would be fine with a small amount of rock and fish and a lot of water movement and filtration. My lfs told me to use very little rock and treat with copper all the time. I am not real sure about this one. I have a successful 55 reef setup so I am comfortable with this end, I am just not sure of the best way to do fish only. I think the copper will cause me to clean the tank more because I could not put any kind of cleanup crew. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Sounds like you are already smart enough to know better. There is no need to run copper in your tank at home unless it is a QT tank. However in a 29G your fish list is going to be pretty small but it will still be awesome if you pick the right ones. The more rock you have the better, filtration wise.


Active Member
Many lfs use the minimal effective dose of copper full time. I use copper in Qt , so would never use it in my DT--overkill. Having to constantly monitor copper in your DT, forever, would be a totally unneccessary pain. Once the copper was used for about 4 weeks, what could it have left to treat? That's just one of about a dozen reasons not to do it; and I'm a big believer in copper.


Active Member
How little rock are we talking here? I know its a FO, but you still want adequate filtration and hiding places for your fish.