Fish only tank with some live rock

hey there all .. this is how my 55 gal is gonna shape up .. let me know if you all thing these fish can live together .. they are not there now but they are the ones i want to get if possible
1 yellow tang max length about 6 in
1 valentini puffer max length about 3 in
1 coral beauty max length 3 in
does that seem to be ok maybe a couple of those blue and yellow damsels .. thanks everyone


Damsels are sometimes very aggressive and the may nip at the other fish from what I have been told. I have a Blue Damsel and he is a big wussy.
does anyone know if the fish i mentioned would be compatible ... because i really do like them but wouldnt want to risk anyone of them because they dont get along


I would say your fine, the only damsel that I know od that I've personally had is the Blue devil damsel. He was very aggressive, but your typical chromis and yellow tailed should be fine.


They all sound fine but like everybody else said the damsels can be aggressive. Also with the yellow tang, you probably want to introduce him last becuase they can become quit territorial. Good luck!


I have all three of those fish together in a 55 and they get along just fine. But I agree with Bacchus that you may want to leave the yellow Tang until last. Also, there have been many posts that say that you should not put dwarf angels into tanks that are not yet mature.