Fish only tank


ok i want to set up a fish only tank... like an 12g or 24g.. so i was wondering what kind of filter would i need... i want to use a jbj nano... as i can seee from the rest... its the best out of the other ones.. so yea what 2 do :notsure: i wanted to set up with the lr and ls but its to much money and honestly... i cant stand the fact knowin there are " hitchhikers" lol... so yea sum1 help me... maybe later on when i get the tank nice and good maybe in a few months say 6 or so...since that is around the time to add coral.. and things... idk sum1 just pound sum sence into me lol...


Active Member
The filtration, in a JBJ Nano, is already built in.
You're extremely limited on fish selection though. 1 - 2 nano sized fish, at the most.
And, you're gonna need live rock. Not only as a biological filter but also for places for the fish to hide.
This isnt a set it up and forget about it deal. You're gonna be spending money on a weekly basis, to keep up with water changes, filter media changes, salt, food, etc.