Fish only with live rock


I have a 65 gallon fish only and I was wondering if I would be able to purchase live rock and maybe some coral. The lighting I have now a 2 Coralife 50/50. How much harder is it maintaining my tank with live rock with and w/o coral.


Active Member
Live rock needs no special lighting and your tank would only benefit from having it. Can't speak for the corals as I'm a FOWLR guy myself, but different species require different intensities of light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandib
The lighting I have now a 2 Coralife 50/50.
What type and how many watts are the lights, though?


Active Member
not harder, make sure you put the lr in seperate containers before adding them since there will be die off during shipment. with corals it wont be much harder either depending on what type you get. some might need strong flow, strong light, or would benefit from spot feeding once in a while.
oh and some might not get along with each and sting each other or release chemicals to try to kill each other off