fish only with trates question


Active Member
I have a 210g tank that I am wanting to start adding some corals and need to figure this out. I moved the tank just under a month ago and the nitrates have already hit 20. the tank has phosphates as well. when the tank was moved the water was completely changed(100% new water) except for the little that was in the sump and fuge. the stocklist includes a lion, puffer and zebra moray plus 3 small damsels. I feed once every 3 days and not much. I was also thinking of adding more fish but dont think that is smart till I figure this out as well. what should I look at to figure this out?


Active Member
I have been thinking about doing 25-30g changes every other week which I plan to start next week, but I am not sure this will help


Active Member
What do you have for filtration and a skimmer?
Having a big ball of cheato in your sump with a light on it helps eat nitrates and phosphates as well.


Active Member
I have a wet/dry and a nautilus TE skimmer. I have been thinking of ways to convert the wet/dry over so I can keep LR rubble in it. I do have a fuge but it is small(10g). there isnt much space in the stand to work with.


Active Member
20 trates is nothing to fish. The Nitrate and Phos does suck for keeping algae/cyano under control, but it isnt a big deal for the fish. Are you using ro/di? You really shouldnt have a phos issue. If you feel up to it you could make a remote DSB.


Active Member
moved in with some roommates so I dont have the room for it right now. would the bi weekly changes help to bring them down? Ill test the ro/di water to see if that might be causing a problem


Active Member
Originally Posted by prime311
20 trates is nothing to fish. The Nitrate and Phos does suck for keeping algae/cyano under control, but it isnt a big deal for the fish. Are you using ro/di? You really shouldnt have a phos issue. If you feel up to it you could make a remote DSB.
I am wanting to add some corals here shortly.


Active Member
when i moved my tank it took 2 months for the nitrates to come down under 20.
i just changed 20% water every 4-5 days and eventually came down to zero.
its just still cycling.nitrates dont bother fish too much.
but i wouldnt add corals till it comes down.
i had chato for a while but it didnt seem to do much once the nitrates came down and iadded a phosphate reactor.
i dont have chato anymore and the nitrates are still at zero.
the tank just needs more time to cycle.
the trates will out of nowhere drop off.


look into a reator and run GFO or look into building an algae turf scrubber or both. You can build a turf scrubber for about $20.
The GFO will get rid of your phosphates, and the algae turf scrubber will remove both nitrates and phosphates.


Active Member
Oh I missed that part, and you posted in the FO forum :p
Corals themselves will use up some Nitrate and Phos. I still think DSB is a good idea.