fish options


I was just wondering what you guys would suggest for fish. I have a 55 with 45 lbs of lr, dsb, small clean up crew, serpent star, brittle star. All readings are 0 tank has been cycled for at least 3 weeks. I know i giong to get a blenny, what would make a nice combo in your opinion? Going to have a few easy low light corals soon hopefully.
Thanks for the help


I thought tangs were too big for a 55gal according to most people on the reef bb. What type of clown is the easiest to keep in pairs?


Active Member
You could get a small tang in a 55 gallon, as for the clowns I would say the easiest to keep in pairs are the true perculas, in my opinion.


I would go with a pair of Percs, maybe Firefish, also Hawkfish are very cool and have alot of personality. I have a Falco's Hawkfish and he is a character. :)


Active Member
i would not put ANY tang in a 55, at all, no mattter the size, tangs do not grow to fit the tank, no sw fish does, and tangs need a lot of swimming room, ie long tanks
fire fish, algae(lawnmower) blenny, cardinals, percual or false percual clwons both do well in pairs, chromis are nice too, royal gramma
i;d say a pair of clwns, an algae blennny, and a royal gramma, then later on add a flwme angel(in about 6 months, they need well established tanks)
just do not add all at the same time, you want to add only one thing at a time, then wait a couple of weeks
HTH and good luck


As for clowns i would get a pair of maroon clowns They are awesome. As for the hawk I would not do that if you are planning on having a clean up crew since he will eat them.


since ur gettin good fish help what about inverts as my fav. of my tank well its a tie betweent it and the long nose butterfly another GREAT FISH but its my coral banded shrimpother than being one of the most exciting thing you can hvae its also very hardy and the tuffest thing i have ever seen and as for the long nose make sure ur tanik is ick free and at first feed it garlic soaked food which u can find out about in the disease forum and as for algae eater with personalloty and a big stpmach for algae or anything green is a lawn mower blenny but u need to ook in at all the suggestions and get what fits ur tank and ur personallity and ull be happy for a long time