Fish or Coral losses

What have you lost the most of and why? For me i would say coral. The reason, not having enough knowledge in the care of coral. Thanks too this site i feel i have come a long way. It has been a year now, my fish are doing well and my corals are looking better.


the difficulty of coral can be very high, depending on species. Many require expert level skills, or even public aquarium only. Good Internet suppliers will rate the difficulty level, and the harder they are to keep, the more expensive they are.
Glad you are having more success.


fish due to not quarantining (ich) or not eating, buying from a bad lfs. clowns not eating, lawnmower not eating, mandarin not eating, valentini puffer swallowing air during a netting. no coral losses due to picking easy ones. some of my inverts dying mysteriously within two days of acclimation is definitely at the top of my list. crabs, shrimps, snails. porcelain crab, emerald, mexican turbo, dwarf ceriths. i did have a kenya tree die during two day shipping.


FISH! So, so many fish. I attribute this mostly to buying fish on sale that are extremely small, and only arrived at the store a day or so before i picked them up.
For some reason i have a green thumb with corals. A couple have faded away under my care, but for the most part my corals have survived.
I have not done well with Non-Photosynthetic corals. (they were fine fore about 6 months, but got taken over by algae after a tank move and never recovered) I have only lost one photosynthetic coral under my care. (A bubble coral that just seemed to melt away over time, while everything else was thriving)
I keep mostly LPS, a few SPS, and some softies.