fish~ overstock

just wondering would 2 clarkii clowns be to much for a 12G tank with about 13-14 lbs (soon very soon) of lr, haven't done cycling yet but trying to get a fish budget going, to see what i can spend for christmas


Active Member

Originally posted by Grouperhead
Clarkiis are pretty robust clowns. If you want a pair of clowns, look into pink skunks...

Plus they tend to be the largest - I second skunks or percs!!
thanks all i looked to see how big they get in the fish section and don't understand the size part, is it size when sent or size they get to???


Active Member

Originally posted by greenbananas87
thanks all i looked to see how big they get in the fish section and don't understand the size part, is it size when sent or size they get to???

The size you see listed in's description of the fish is the size it is when they send it to you... not it's adult size.
so if i get 1 clarkii clown what other fish would be unagressive towards it and colorful, personality... etc.
or should i drop the clarkii clown idea?
around town percs are hard to find because of the finding nemo thing so that is why i was looking at other clowns, but something to look in to thanks


Active Member
If you are not wanting to go with percs because of nemo look @ skunks or saddlebacks (which will get big too but are more complacent and roam less). Clarkii's like a lot of space to "control" as they need more food. So I think even 1 clarkii would be annoying in a tank you are suggesting.
I'd look for skunks - around here (KC) they are as cheap or cheaper than percs - you can get orange, pink or creamsicle colored and they are shy but will eventually eat out of your hand!
Good luck!


I had to get rid of my 1 pink skunk he was a mean s.o.b.!! Everytime I cleaned the tank he would attack!! I replaced him w/ a true perc. much nicer. I would wait until you could find one in your area or order one on line. You need patience w/ this hobby especially w/ a nano.
thanks all i will look into skunks or the other, or percs if i can find them, nervous about ordering online (shouldn't but am) and like to pick a certain fish by personality at the fish store but i may get brave and order online, maybe