fish pic 6-pak...

nm reef

Active Member
...I haven't posted a 6-pak featuring my fish in a long the urge to do here they are.....what ya think?

nm reef

Active Member
This is my hippo....the color is a bit off....but its a rare look at him with fins extended posturing as though he's tryin' to be aggressive...

nm reef

Active Member
My kewl little bi-color blenny.....I consider him to be the sheriff of the display....he cruises from perch to perch checkin' out the reef for signs of trouble....very kewl little fish in my opinion...

nm reef

Active Member
I think this 6-pak may spill over to a 12'er....this is my manderian.....fat and well fed...

nm reef

Active Member
My purple firefish...most of the time he stays hidden away in a net-work of caves...but normally at feeding time you'll see him out gettin' some grub.....

nm reef

Active Member
My foxface rabbitfish.....normally seen hangin' out with my hippo.....I've named the pair Frank & in the James Brothers...

nm reef

Active Member
My orange spotted goby...he also lives in a net work of caves....but he has a buddy tiger pistol shrimp to keep him this dude is the biggest camera hog I've ever seen...approach with a camera and he'll strike a pose...every time...

nm reef

Active Member
One of my favorite pics...taken by accident while tryin' to photograph corals...they just swam by and I leaned back and shot it....I've got this framed on the wall in a 8x10....the full resolution pic is a beauty!!!

nm reef

Active Member
Last pic for now is one I've posted before....another that I've framed in a 8x10 favorite hippo pic.....thanks for bearing with me and I hope you enjoy the fish photos...


Just beautiful! And what clear pictures. What camera did you use? I’m looking for a good quality camera myself.


NM-So great! They are so beautiful. I couldn't imagine waking up to that every day. I really enjoyed your pictures.



Awesome pictures. But how long did it take you to train your fish to pose for the camera like that?:D

nm reef

Active Member
The camera is a Canon G5...and the fish know that they either pose until I'm done takin' pics or they WILL NOT be fed!!!
thanks for all the comments.......

nm reef

Active Member
I actually ot my G5 at a good discount...they were removing it for the new models and discounted it to just below $400...not bad in my if I could just learn how to properly use it....:D