Fish Popsicles (Shipping in cold weather)



Well it's starting to get cold and snow here in Colorado and I was wondering if shipping fish and invertabrates is too risky? They would be brought in the minute after delivery but I wasn't sure if they would make it that far. Any help would be great.


Active Member
Just my opinion, but I think they'd be OK. They are pretty well insulated, and travel pretty fast. How far is your local FedEx from home? Usually you can make arrangements to pick up when it arrives, rather than have it ride around on their local delivery truck. Might save a few hours. :)


Active Member
We're also getting cold up here in Wisconsin (down to 2 degrees this past weekend). I just received a shipment. There was a heat pack taped to the top of a very well insulated styrofoam box. The heat pack stayed warm for several hours after the 3:30 time that I was supposed to call if I hadn't received the shipment. I had the shipment delivered to my work address so there was no possibility of it being left outside. Everything arrived healthy and acclimated fine. I am planning on having more shipments this winter. Best of Luck this winter!


Active Member
I live in Northern Wisconsin. We've had a little snow already. I've seen temperatures down to -46 degrees (without windchill!)
I have to travel at least one hour to get to any LFS. The ones I can get to don't really seem to have knowledgeable people and their selection and quality is limited. I was hesitant to order on line but am planning on doing this as I was pleasantly surprised with the quality and service. I can be assured of getting what I desired instead of settling for what was available. You don't have any control over choosing a particular healthy fish. However, for me the advantages appear to outweigh the risks.
Stay warm this winter!
Holy cow! When it gets to be 65 degrees here in the winter I am saying "Brrrrrrrrrrr!" I am pretty sure all my limbs would instantly numb and fall off if I was in weather like that!!


Active Member
You probably could start a similar thread called fish chowder instead of fish popsicles.
How would they ship to Arizona in the summertime? The heat packs seem to be an elegant but cheap way to get long acting heat without boiling the fish. They are just a long acting single use handwarmer pad that is activated by oxygen. Is there a cold pack? How would it work if the FedEx truck was parked in the sun making a large delivery to someone before you?


Active Member
OK, now thats just crazy, -46 degrees!!!!! Last winter we had some days where it was about -3 with a wind chill of about -25, I thought I was going to lose it. We have terrible winters (always ice in St. louis ) but never -46. So when we get those really cold days, all I can dream about is a warm balmy breeze and my feet in the hot sand :D
brrrrrrrrr, stay warm!! ;)


Active Member
Once you get below zero it's cold. It's not usually much different at 10 below or 40 below (except my glasses immediately frost up when its 30 below or lower.
I used to live in Iowa and I thought their winters were worse. We don't have much wind (lots of trees help) and the wind can get really biting.
My biggest fear with this tank is to have a blackout in the winter or that my kids leave the door by the fishtank open in the winter and the fishtank gets chilled. I don't think they make battery powered emergency heaters?? I suppose I could put lots of blankets around the tank to slow the heat loss. I pray it doesn't happen.


Active Member
biting wind, thats an under statement!!! :eek: I just couldn't function at -30, I don't think I have it in me. My 87 year old Great Aunt in Minn. just LOVES it.
If I am not mistaken, I think I have seen some battery operated heaters. I don't know how good they are, but will do in a pinch. Maybe someone else here knows more. Thats something we should look into, we get so much ice that power lines snap easily. We will pray for a mild winter.....although my son found a "wooly bear worm" and he was very FAT and very fuzzie. Not a good sign.


Active Member
I've never seen a battery operated heater. It sounds like a necessity for me however. Anyone else with a link to buy one?
LovetheSea - I hope your wooly bear is right about a mild winter. I would like to have some more snow. Last winter was pretty brown.
PS One more post and I can shed the "peppermint shrimp" label!:)


Active Member
I will ask my husband.....I think he is the one who told my neighbor about it. I hope I'm not confusing it with a battery pump. :rolleyes:
The fatter and fuzzier and blacker the worm, the worse (so they say) the winter could be. So far, I think when we have found them in that state they are right .
Hey, I just changed to a triger!! Lets see maybe a post on what kind of equipment is battery operated..... :D The first time mine changed I didn't even know what it meant. I thought maybe I should throw a party or something ;)


HaHa Way to stay on topic guys :D
Kidding....Thnx for the answer, I cant wait to order!


Active Member
Welcome back volcom- you started a good thread. Hope you learned something!
devilboy - I'm just about 2 hours north of you. I rarely get to Eau Claire but I hear there is at least one decent store there. When I can get off my beeper I usually drive across the state line. What is the name of your LFS?


Active Member
I am within 40 minutes of Spooner (without completely giving away my anonymity). There are only little towns around here.
Thanks for the LFS name. I'll find it in the Yellow Pages and check it out the next time I'm down your way.


Active Member
LOL Volcom, I was wonderin' where you went and when you were going to realize we highjacked your thread. :D
Waterfaller.....I am jealous, we live for our annual Florida trips,
want to move there for good one day. Can't stand the cold anymore. Our kids only like the snow to play in and they hate the cold. I love the change of seasons Spring to Summer. Only like the Summer to fall for about a day!! Its pretty, BUT......


Active Member
I'm sure I'd prefer our summers to yours Waterfaller:D
We go down your way to visit the Mouse. It's a great place to visit!
Perhaps you could answer how they ship to warm places in the summer?