fish problems


My tank has been going for about 4 months, I check my water every week and everything is normal, but still my fish die within a week. Could my water have parasites in it that are attacking my fish. I have crabs and shrimp in the tank and they seem fine. Any ideas on what to do also if there is a parasite problem can I treat my water or will I need to drain it and clean everything out.

eric the red

New Member
We may need a little more information such as what kind of fish have you put in; did they look in good health when you purchased them. How did they behave when you first introduced them, if they did have parasites they might have jerky movements or rub against something as if trying to scrape them off .Or possibly they was caught using anaesthetics,rare, but not impossible!
[ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: Eric the red ]


Two weeks ago I put a flamed angle in the tank he was doing really well eating and looking good then he started swimming around the top of the tank like he wanted out then he died the next day. Friday I put a coral beauty in and he was doing fine and had just started to eat and I looked at him around 10 and the next morning he was dead. Its like they just went down all of a sudden.

here fishy

Flame angels are one of the harder fish to keep. In general angels are very finicky fish that acclimate slowly to new tanks. If the salinity in the shop where you bought them is much different than yours that would be all it could take. How long have you had the tank up and running? I was told not to mess with angels for about a year until I had figured out all the ins and outs of salt tanks....!