fish problems


New Member
my flame angel seems to have a discoloration on his face, like its more pale looking, as if it is scratched up... YOu know what this might be?
Also, there are red lines all over in my sand and they are these red things with tenticles all over, saw one on the glass, anyone know if these are harmful or just food?
55 gallon FOWLV
flame angel
blue devil damsel
domino damsel
some hermits


that could either be that his diet is lacking or the water quality. angels are sensitive to water quality and sometimes go pal because of it. make sure to feed them their veggies. but i have no idea what those red things are


there are red lines all over in my sand and they are these red things with tenticles all over, saw one on the glass, anyone know if these are harmful or just food?
I would have to say you have bristle worms, they usually resemble centipedes. If this is what you have then their harmless. Think of them as members of your clean up crew since they will
feed on small organic particles and detritus, and mix up the sand bed a little.
For any reason you want to get rid of them(which some people do) you can buy a commercial bristleworm trap or some arrow crabs.


New Member
you feed them veggies??? What kind and how???
Also I had an arrow crab that died, must explain them appearing....


bingo i think we found out why it is losing color. ok....these guys should be fed seaweed aka nori and you can find this at pretty much any lfs that sells saltwater, you can even go to a ***** near you. you can either cut or rip these into little squares and clip them to the side of the tank with a clip with a suctioncup on it. they should sell the clip near the seaweed. you can also feed it spirulina which will help as well. some people like to feed lettuce and leafy veggies like that but the seaweed is better for them and they are more likely to eat the seaweed anyways. it might not eat it right away but if you keep it in the tank near where it usually hangs out down low somewhere it will eventually eat it and then once it gets a taste for it it will devour it and beg for it. at least this is how all my angels were. good luck


New Member
what it this seaweed again? I got algea flakes and frozen green cubes... Is this stuff real dry? How much?


Active Member
Red things in the sand sounds like spaghetti worms...maybe.Do they have multiple fine hair like 'tentacles'?They are a good thing...detritus eaters.


it's dried out seaweed...kindof the same thing they use on sushi. and it's usually around 5 bucks for a package.