Fish question


New Member
I currently have a 75 gallon salt tank, with a Porcupine Puffer (2 inches), a Niger Trigger (1.5 inches), a Picaso Trigger (inch), a Blue Damsel, and a Diamond Watchmens Goby. I was in the pet store yesterday and saw they had an Hawaaian Spotted Puffer (about the size of a quarter), a Green/Yellow Watchmen's Goby, and a Coral Beauty Angel. Would any of these get along with the fish i have now in my tank? I really liked the puffer, but i heard they can nips fins. I liked the goby, but i heard you can't mix them with other fish. Any ideas?


Active Member
the puffer would be fine because he would be able to hold his own with the trigger and damsel. Unless the CBA eats very aggressively, I would definitely pass on this guy because you have some aggressive fish. And I would not recommend the goby.