Fish recommendations?



I want a very peaceful and stress free tank. I currently have two percula clowns who are thriving. I would like to add two to three other fish. I am looking for very simple fish, ones who will acclimate well, eat well and interact well with each other. I know this is a tall order but I would like to try to pick fish along these guidelines. I have a thirty gallon tank, as much live rock, protein skimmer, flter etc.
I am thinking of getting a cardinal fish, firefish, and gramma. Putting the gramma in last.
In addition I have hermit crabs, snails and an emerald crab and would like to add two shrimp.
Any thoughts, alternate suggestions?


with that size of a tank i woould work with small wrasses or maybe even some gobbies.they will dart in and out of your rock and eat the food other fish cannot get to.pigme angels are good too.


Active Member
sounds like you have already picked a decent line up, go for it, but slowly, the 5 may be pushing thins a little bit, but you can try with one at a time adn wait a monthor so before adding others, and see if your system can handle all 5(it may)


A Scooter Blenny would be a nice choice IMO. They are small fun to watch and very mild mannered. I have two myself in a 40 gallon tank.


Was thinking about a blenny but don't they need sand and lots of copepods? I have neither (coral substrate and two month old tank).
I may not get up to adding 5 fish, but that will most likely be 6 months down the line. I need to think this out well because if I need to stop at 4 then I need to stop at 4.
Thanks for the advice so far!


Yes, scooter blennies need cocepods (spelling?) and will not survive too well unless you have an established tank. (i learned this the hard way).
On the other hand, if you have green hair alge, a Lawnmower (AKA Algae) Blenny is a nice addition, and they are very compatible with the fish you have now.
Royal gramma is nice choice- very pretty- justbe careful- they get upset with fidh that have similar body shapes. they will 'claim' a section of the tank and chase everyone else off.


My scooter blennies feed off my LR and I also feed them brine shrimp and frozen food. They seem to be just fine. I have CC for my substrate.


Active Member
In my 55gal, just a little over 2 mos I have a yellow tang (would get too big for you), tomato clown and royal gramma. They all get along great. I'm waiting til I have plenty of copepods etc then I'm adding a mandarin. Get a couple of scarlet cleaner shrimp they are so fun to watch. Like every one says though go slow. You could probably get the shrimp now. Mine love to load up on chopped grocery store shrimp when I feed them. They gather up several pieces and go to work on to watch. :)

tru conch

Active Member
as long as you have plenty of hiding places they should get along alrigh. i had a royal gamma in a 29 with a yellow sleeper goby and a cleaner goby, none of them ever bothered each other


Active Member
scooters are so awesome, and pods do help, but IMO, they are much easier to get to eat brine shrimp than the mandarins, one thing that helps, is if you cna get teh food to him, we use a turkey baster to shoot he food near him, so he can get some food, before the other fish eat it all, you have to make sure to get the food to them, unlike most other fish


Active Member
pods or amphipods and copepods, often hitchike into the system on lr and sometimes in ls, they are little bug like creatures which are a very good thing, they clean up detritus and also provide food for the fish
they really are high on the reccommended list fo htings to have, but, i suppose that they are not quite 100% neccessary, but IMO i would really want them
if you have a dragonnette(scooter or mandarin), then you realy should have a really good population, they often will not live long wihtout a good pod population