Fish Recommendations


Active Member
Hello everyone,
I have a 20g long with one female ocellaris clownfish and a cleaner shrimp (both are about two years old). Two nights ago, the male clownfish passed away. I don't really want to get another clownfish to replace him. Will the female be alright without another clown around? She is a pretty aggressive fish and I am worried that any fish I add to the tank will get bullied or even killed by her. Ideally, I would like a fish that is very hardy, docile, and will get along with the two tank inhabitants. I have to move my tank two times a year and don't want a fish that won't travel well. I appreciate any recommendations you guys have for me. Thanks in advance. :happyfish


Active Member
The single clown in the tank should be fine. I'm not sure but I think it is possible for it to revert back to male. As far as what other fish for a 20 gallon I would look for something that can be in that size of a tank. Maybe some type of goby like a Yellow Watchman.


Active Member
HatesSushi said:
The single clown in the tank should be fine. I'm not sure but I think it is possible for it to revert back to male. As far as what other fish for a 20 gallon I would look for something that can be in that size of a No, it is not possible for her to revert back to being a male.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
The single clown in the tank should be fine. I'm not sure but I think it is possible for it to revert back to male. As far as what other fish for a 20 gallon I would look for something that can be in that size of a tank. Maybe some type of goby like a Yellow Watchman.
No it is not possible for it to revert back to being a male. Only males will change.


Maybe a Pseudochromis would be good, and I don't think it would get beaten up by your clownfish. They can protect themselves pretty well.


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestions so far everyone. Right now I am thinking about one of the following fish:
Purple Pseudochromis
Yellow Watchman
Blue Neon Goby
Yellow or Black Clown Goby
I want to stress the importance of the new fish getting along with my female clown. Like I said, she is somewhat aggressive and might be even more so due to the fact she hasn't had to share a tank with any other fish besides the other clown for over two years. I have about 25lbs of LR in my tank, and it is a 20 long so it has the same horizontal space as a 29g. The clown pretty much calls the whole tank her territory. Will any of the fish I mentioned not do well in my tank (or is there one that sticks out as being a better choice than the others)?
Thanks again everyone! :happyfish


Active Member
when adding your first new fish, it might be good to move things in the tank a little. if she has a fav rock, move it to the side a little. be sure to keep your lights off for a while too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
when adding your first new fish, it might be good to move things in the tank a little. if she has a fav rock, move it to the side a little. be sure to keep your lights off for a while too.
I think all of the rocks (and the entire tank for that matter) are her favorite. She doesn't stay in one spot more than any others. I will try that anyway just to be sure. Thanks! :joy:


Active Member
Oh, and I would also like to add a Firefish to my list of potential fish. I had one once, but only for a month and it was in a QT the whole time (he didn't make it...I've had a vendetta against ***** ever since) so I don't know how well one would interact with my clown. They seem to be a bit timid and perhaps not as hardy as other fish.