Fish rescued


Just thought I'd share a recent rescue story. I noticed yesterday that I was missing one of my paired clown fish. Looked all over the tank. Began to worry. Then, just by chance glanced in the black sump filter with a flash light and saw a reflection. After further review, my clown had made the jump over the edge into it. Took me about 10 minutes to bring him near the top and splash him out with my hand, but I'm happy to say that he is again in the tank. His partner quickly rejoined him and they looked very happy to be back together.
My questions are: Are clowns normally jumpers? How can I prevent him from jumping into that filter again?
That's a little too scary to deal with again.


Active Member
Yeah, but if there's a guard over it, then he's just gona bounce off of it and onto the flooor anyways... Try covering the hole/crevice where he is jumping out of the tank.


I agree the tank should be covered too, but that won't keep him from getting into the overflow again.
IMO, the best precaution would be covering both the overflow and tank itself.


some cheap temporary fixes are strawberry baskets are great to cover things, a few rubber bands and baskets and some crafty work and you can make it safe, also plastic wrap (food grade) for covering the space between your top and filters might work but one make sure you buys stuff microwave safe (tends to be heat resistant) and two make sure your lights don't melt it.
Then either you can buy some plexy glass and cut your own cover if you have the ability or most hardware stores that sell plastic will cut it to size for you for a small fee.


I guess it's time to rig up something. The netting idea may work. I think I'll have to cover the area next to the overflow to prevent it.
Hopefully I'll avoid an untimely death. Thanks for the feedback.


You can always modify what I did, and build a tower so to speak, so when he does bounce off it will be back into the tank, not the overflow. Same thing can be done around the tank if you really wanted to.


Active Member
I had a clown that did this a few times and the final time wound up stock in my pump of my closed loop system (dont know how he managed to get there).No matter what we did ,he always found a way to get into trouble.I thought we were the only ones with a jumper