fish ??????'s



ok i have a 55 gal tank i have been looking at several different books/lfs/and of course the web at different fish/coral and such. i have read that i shouldn't add more than (1) fish per month, but does this also apply to coral/invertebraes? here is the list of everything that i am thinking of putting in my aquarium or at least what i am thinking about at this moment. of course it will take me a long time to slowly add these, but i want to make sure that i haven't chosen anything that won't do well together. would rather change my mind now before i get the fish than later on and have to get rid of something. ok here we go.
(1) bright green maidens hair med
(1) metallic green star pollyps
(2) red feather dusters
(2) x-tra large hawaiin dusters
(2) green tipped long tentacle anenomy
(1) orange tree colt coral
(1) assorted fancy tonga finger leathers
(1) purple linkia (starfish)
(1) orange linkia (starfish)
(1) blue linkia (starfish)
(4) porcelain crabs
(1) yellow super electric crocea clam
(1) super glowin maze brain coral
(2) large fire shrimp
and of course some turbos and a few electric blue hermits
(1) blue hippo tang
(1) red sea purple tang
(2) flame angels
(3) percula clown fish
(1) fox face lo (maybe two of these if i can)
(2) blue mandarin goby
(1) hawaiin spotted puffer
does this sound like too much for my tank size. any suggestions. i want my tank as full of color as possible.
P.S. i love the lion fish, but i don't think that i can get one with some of my other fish selections. the girl at the lfs said that if i introduced him last and got a small one to start that he wouldn't mess with them is this true. thanks for any suggestions or help ahead of time.


oh and btw is there any certain order in which i should add any of these


The good news is that u can have as many corals as u want alongs as they are far enough apart so they dont sting one another. the starfish u want to add need alot of LR as no one is sure of wat they eat....ur tank is a little on the small side for even just one of those starfish...if u really wanted one i would say go with the orange linka...they seem more hardy and live longer but i still wouldn't suggest getting one.
BTW if u want that range of coral, clams and anenomes ur goin to atleast need 2x Metal Hailide lights.
ur fish list is goin to need some work..... it is very over stocked and some of the fish are gonna fight and kill each other
the tangs are not gonna live long in ur tank...tangs need atleast 90 gallons but are best in 100 gallon plus systems, so i wouldn't get either of them.
two flame angels in that sized tank will fight and kill one or both will end up dying from the would be fine on its one... the dwarf angels are very terratoial and will fight...ususally the more established one will win, so u will not even be able to mix say a coral beauty with a flame. only one Dwarf angel to a tank......unless of course each angel has arond 100 gallons of space each.
u wil be able to have 2 clowns if the are paired but not three...the third will be killed by the dominant female.
the fox face should be fine...just remember they are poisonus(sp)
now the maderine will also not live long in ur tank unless u have alot of live rock around 100 pounds plus and usually a sump where ur pod population can stay stable, the tank also need to be atleast 6 months mature....definetly 2 is out of the question and i would not suggest even getting 1.
i dont know a lot about puffer but i may be allright if it doesnt eat coral..but it will eat is also has a very high bioload which means u may not be able to add many more will also eat small fish.. especially the maderines.
If u want these fish...excluding the puffer.. and have money spare i would make the 55 G tank ur sump and get a 120 G or larger tank....that way u can have all the fish... remebering u can only having 1 flame angel and 2 clowns
good luck :happyfish


Active Member
Man that list is way over stocked the rule of thumb is 1" per 5 gallons "and that is adult fish" and tangs and angels "unless dwarf" wont go in that tank. You need to research everyfish you want to get and make sure you can keep it alive.


wow i am glad that i posted this list i wasn't looking at all the information on each fish that i needed too. i guess i need to go and pick up a few more books on fish specifically.
check out my revised fish list is this better:
(1) flame angel
(2) percula's (would like to get the fire clown) can you put two of them in a tank together
(1) fox face lo
(1) blue mandarin goby
i would still like to have a tang is there any species of tang that i could keep in a 55 gal.
i will delete the linkia's as well i was reading a thread earlier about how difficult they were to keep, since nobody knows exactly what they eat and they are very hard to keep alive, i will try a serpant star or basic instead.
i am planning on getting a couple more tanks in the future, but i was told that a 55 gal was a good learning tank. it is big enough for a nice reef tank and fairly easy size to maintain for a beginner. glad to here it about the coral i will do that. btw anybody got any other suggestions about a different list of fish to use in my 55.
btw aidos thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my thread. not many people would have taken the time to go into that much detail about it.


I agree with Aidos. The flame angel is fine, but in a reef it may nip soft coral polyps.
I'll send you a link to find out about Fish Descriptions. It will let you know what size tank and if it's reef safe and much, much more.Email Me
Is that better


i dont know much about fire clowns but if they are mated i would assume that they would be fine but u will need to do more research.
i still dont think u should get the blue manderine...unless u are thinking of getting a sump and alot of live would be best if u did a little more research on these guys....even do a search on here. i have heard that it can take them aslong a 6 months to starve to death so please dont get this guy unless u really do meet the requirements that he needs.
there really is not tang that is gonna do well in ur tank, sorry.
have u though a bout my suggestion above of getting a larger tank and using ur 55g as a sump. that would be a wicked setup that could last u many years.


No to the mandarine (only in an established tank) and I'd add the flame angel last.
You are very smart to be doing this research.
You'll save yourself time, money and heartache over lost fish. :D


yes i did think about the suggestion of using the 55 gal as a sump, but right now i don't think that i am experienced enough to do all of that. i am just learning and don't want to bite off more than i can chew. not only that i only have a 1 bdr. apt and i am running out of room as it is. i wanted to start with the 55 and then graduate to a larger tank, but i would like to keep the 55 up and running and then just buy a couple more tanks. i want one in each room of the house all different shapes sizes and styles. i love swa and would love to fill my house with them, but of course that will be way down the road. i am using this size as a learning tank and then hopefully i can graduate to a more sufisticated setup. if that is how you spell it????
i agree it would be awesome, but i just don't have the room right now. i am planning on adding as much lr as i can to this tank without making it look crowded. i will do some more research on all of the fish i dont plan on adding any for a few months anyway i just want to go ahead and get an idea for what is that i want and i would rather get a larger variety of corals and a nice group of lr and invertebraes first.
if anyone has any suggestions on a good colony of fish for my tank size and type i would appreciate a list.


4 ur sized tank i think a goby would do well, aswell as a pair or a single firefish(just make sure they are paired or they will kill one-another) they are one of my favorite, have a look at the purple firefish...i love my pair.
u could still have the flame angel and the pair of clowns and i would say that then u would be at ur limit for fish. also try get a smaller species of clown, such as percula or tomatos or maroon clowns... they get much larger and are also more agressive.
if u would like to know the order of adding the fish i would do it in this order
1. goby
2. pair of firefish
3. pair of clowns
4 flame angel.
(some ppl may say its best to add the clowns last though so see wat other ppl say, but in my exprience once angels are established in the tank they think it is only theirs)
hope this helps :happyfish


If your thinking about the mandarin also think about adding some sort of refugiom or culturing some sort of live food like brine. It will greatly increase the odd of life.


Originally Posted by arkey.d
I agree with Aidos. The flame angel is fine, but in a reef it may nip soft coral polyps.
I'll send you a link to find out about Fish Descriptions. It will let you know what size tank and if it's reef safe and much, much more.Email Me
Is that better

Hi Arkey- would you mind sending me that link also? my e-mail address is Thanks so much! :happyfish