Fish scared of HOB?!


New Member
Has anyone ever had their fish scared of a HOB filter? I added two clowns this weekend (first fish, YEAH) and they will not go near it. If I turn it off, within minutes they will be swimming all over the place. Turn it back on and within minutes they are as far away as they can get. It's a new tank started in late October and fully cycled:
45 gal tall
60lbs LR
40lbs LS
Penguin HOB (with the biowheel)
power head
(I am saving up for a sump and skimmer setup)
Water Params are: Amm=0, Nitrite=0, Nitrate=10.
I started reading here a few months ago, when I first got the slatwater itch, and read, researched and read some more. There is so much info here. I took my time and feel I did everything correctly. I bought things slowly and pieced my system together. I will try to post pics later, this is my first post.
Do I need the filter at all? I did a search and found lots of info on HOB filters (which may make me rethink it altogether) but couldn't find anything about why they would be scared of it. The power head doesn't seem to bother them. Please help!


might be alittle bit of vibration where the filter hangs on the tank that spooks them not real sure. how old is the filter?


Active Member
I'd say give them some time to get used to it. I wouldn't get rid of it, particularly not until you get a skimmer working in there. And even then, I'm one who thinks a simple filter is a good idea. They can pull some particles out of the water and provide some extra flow. And if you run charcoal from time to time, it will keep your water nice and clear.


Active Member
I used a HOB with a skimmer also in my 75. Mostly cause i liked the extra flow and I put LR in it instead of carbon because I didn't have a fuge. In my 150, i use only my deltec skimmer. But I have a sump/fuge.


I know my fish will not go near my overflow. They hang on the otherside of the tank and venture out only when food is present.


Active Member
If you have live rock, why are you bothering with a HOB ? The LR is your bio-filter. Ditch the HOB !!