Fish Selection Help


I have a 92 gallon corner reef tank. I have 180 pounds of live rock and currenlty have a yellow tang, two false percs and a LMB. I was planning on adding two maybe three more fish, one of which is would be a Sleeper Goby. Would this Goby be ok with the LMB?
Also, I would appreciate any suggestions anyone has for the other fish. I would like to add some color. Price is not really a concern.


Active Member
many people have told me that when they try to add more fish to an aquarium with a yellow tang that the tang bullies the new fish and that its really hard to add anything new, tangs are aggressive


I have a sleeper head goby and a bicolor blenny . They get along fine. I Have false percs too. My goby likes to hide underneath my dead coral. Made a nice little cave. And my blenny lives on the top of it. The goby will get sand everywhere so you might not want it spilling sand on your corals. I don't have any corals so i don't mind the sand . The goby fought a little the first day and was fine after that.