Fish Selection!!!


Alright I have a 90 gallon and I cycled the water and I have 3 inches of ?aragonite? (spelling). Wet/Dry filter filtering real well. I plan to add skimmer and sterillizer. I was wondering what life should I start off with. I like tangs, stingrays, (tank too small), triggers, and so on. What do I need to start off with for a cleaning crew(crabs, shrimp, snails) I plan on getting some stars and horseshoes. Just what should I star with. Tell me what you started with so I can make some decisions.


Active Member
Do you have any live rock yet?? If not, I would start there first, and add 90lbs or so all at once. If you buy uncured LR, your tank will cycle again, but a month from now your tank will be much happier for you having made that decision.


no L/R yet soon though so you suggest rock first than fish. I have access to cured so that is better you say!!!


i would def put LR in first before anything else you will have some die off that will cuss yourr water to spike...with cured rock u might have some of a spike not as bad..then after a mo. or so ..i would try snails and cheap fish...then a tang


Before you buy a clean up crew you should decide what fish your really want then build the rest of your tank around the one fish or type of fish. For instance if you want a trigger you will probably need to buy hermits for a clean up crew.


What kind of fish do you want, Big aggresive, docile, what? Go buy some cured live rock, then put in a few damsels. They are cheep and hardy, they will help cycle you tank. Then take them out if you want later on. Hope this info. helps.


Dont use damsels to cycle. The reasons being, first off they are mean and will harrass anything else you put in the tank, they are also hard to catch. You could just use a dead shrimp instead.


Hi there Jake,
New village idiot would like to know about the dead shrimp idea! Please expand on that. I also have a new tank a 180 reef ready with 50 lbs LR and LS on the way. I bought it from another enthusiast and was told I don't need to change the filter medium in the wet dry? HMMMM so many questions! So 2 questions 1) dead shrimp, how, why? 2) should I change the w/d medium.


Well if the tank is already cycled then you dont need to worry about the dead shrimp. I never actually used the dead shrimp i just bought live rock and that cycled my tank. The dead shrimp will basically start your cycle of becuase of the amonia it releases.


i also have a 180 reef about 3 mo. into it with 160 lb of live will take a min of a mo. before u put fish in..i put danzels in 6 of them they all died...i put 12 turbo snails they all lived 12 crabs all lived...did 25 gall water change 1 week after that...put clown and a yellow tank both living i have 2 leathers evry thing doing will take time thats all...


New Member
Hey Mo Mo - Best thing you can do is spend some time reading about fish and learn something about compatibility. Then after you figure out what you want add them SLOWLY!!!! Maybe one or two a month till you've completed your plan. I'd hate to see you spend $$$$$$$$ on a bunch of fish that will be unhappy, possibly kill each other or maybe die of ammonia poisoning if you add a bunch all at one time.


Use damsels, even look at damsels for sale on this web site, they say they are perfect for cycling tanks. They are cheap, and if it dies, its no big loose.


I used Damsels and only one made it, but he is still in my tank
and although he is the smallest he thinks he is king! He tries
to bully the new bigger fish, but that only lasts for a bit and he runs back into his tulip coral, which is his home.
Do decide if you want a community tank, aggressive tank, etc. We all make the mistake of saying "oh, I like that and I like that" and then get them home and someone eats someone. So reading up on the fish is the best advise.
Good luck!


I agree, take your time. I waited about a month and a half before I added my first fish. Make sure you read as much as you can and ask a lot of questions. I read three books and checked this site damn near every day, but when things started happening, I still felt unprepared. Take your time, get lots of lr and a nice dsb, and you will feel better when you do not lose anything. Fools rush in. I wouldn't cycle with don't need to and some day that sort of practice will be looked on as the dark days of the hobby. HTH, good luck.