Fish Setup So Far


Ok These are the fish in my tank so far could you guys tell me if I can get any more fish or am i already over my limit...they seem to be pretty happy so far....also how do u know if you have ick?also i am feeding them flakes in the morning and some frozen cubes that my LFS sold me and told me to wave it in the water and it splits apart and they eat it but the Eel doesnt seem to get any of the food or barley any since its always in the rock how can i feed him?
Sorry for the long post


the snowflake eel is a shrimp/invert eater. These fish are blind as bats and must be point feed to ensure that it eats.
The easist way it to get a feeding stick or long plastic rod, impale a gorcery store bought shrimp (w/ shell on) and gentley bump the nose of the eel w/ it.
The foods i feed my eels are grocery store bought shrimp, crab, scallop, squid. Also consider silversides, and krill. Mix up thefoods frequently.
You'll have to stick fed the eel as long as you have other fish in the tank


1st off i think you have enough in your tank and i agree with frank although you might try just putting a cube in whole. although the other fish will nibble at them the snowflake should get a hold of one and the shrimp is also a good idea thats what i feed my eels which insist of an green morray ghost eel and a snowflake if that doesn't work try the stick and if you are like me with limited time in the day try night fedings well good luck.


i feed my eels basically everything on a feeder stick. Pancho- You have a green mmoray a ghost eel and a sfe in a 200? You realize greens get 6 feet, ghost eel are basically almost impossible to keep, but the snowflake is good.