Fish still "twitchy"


Hello everyone.
I have a small yellow tang and a blue YT damsel in my 20g QT tank. I've had them for 20 days now, and they have been at 1.009 for 10 days.
The tang is VERY twitchy and "darty", has been since I got her. Every fish I've ever gotten at the LFS where I got these two has had ich, so I wasn't surprised by the behavior early on. The damsel behaves completely normal, incidentally.
If the tang had ich when I got it - 20 days ago - those parasites should have detached by now. The QT was fallow for 6-8 weeks prior, so I know there wasn't any ich in the QT that infected them. I have never seen any spots on either fish, and I've spent plenty of time looking.
I was watching the tang last night - definitely seems to be trying to scratch/rub it's belly/bottom. It really seems like something is itching her.
This behavior aside, she eats a 1" square piece of nori every day, and is also eating frozen Formula 2.
My plan is to hypo for at least 30 days. It's the twitchiness that concerns me. I've seen fish with ich do this, but they usually calm down after a week or so when the parasites detach.


i had a fish that was twiching for over a week with no signs of ich . turns out he had gill flukes which i cured immediately with two FW baths and soem fluke tabs . if its ich maybe you can even treat wit coppersafe for a few days in the QT to make sure to rid the fish of ICH


Originally Posted by Beth
What are you using to measure specific gravity?
A refractometer calibrated with RO water.


Active Member
I would just give it some more time. All of the ich may not be dead yet. Ich has a life cycle of 23 days, and you said they have been in QT for 20 days. Give it another week to see how the fish fare. If they are eating well, I would just continue to monitor them.


Thank you for the replies. It's been 14 days in hypo, the tang is still very twitchy, and also breathing heavy. The other fish in the tank, blue yt damsel, is fine.
I can't enjoy watching the tang, it seems she's really bothered by something. I did some research on flukes, but don't know if that's what it is. In the event it is flukes, I decided to do something I've never done before: a freshwater dip.
I put a gallon of freshwater in a bucket, used my ph monitor to match it exactly to the tank, and I also matched the temp exactly too. I was planning a three minute dip, but since she went on her side immediately, two minutes was all I could stand to do.
She's back in QT now, doesn't seem any worse for wear, but still twitching. Please take a moment and look at the attached video - it's a 7MB .AVI file. If you do a Save As on the link, you should be able to download & view it and see what I'm talking about.
Tang Video


I still need help here folks. I've had my tang in QT for 29 days, 21 of which have been at 1.008-1.009. Never saw any spots on the tang, and believe me, I've looked. It's still frequently scratching on rocks, etc. The video in my previous post shows him shaking/twitching.
What else could be causing this behavior?


Originally Posted by guitarfish
I still need help here folks. I've had my tang in QT for 29 days, 21 of which have been at 1.008-1.009. Never saw any spots on the tang, and believe me, I've looked. It's still frequently scratching on rocks, etc. The video in my previous post shows him shaking/twitching.
What else could be causing this behavior?
these were exactly the symptoms my queen angle had about two month ago . She would constantly twitch and scrath her face against the ornaments or the filter tube and yet had no visible parasites. I gave a her two fresh water baths over a week and treated with fluke tabs. Within 48 hours the all symptoms stopped and she's doing great now. I think if your fish had ich , you would have definitely seen the parasaties by now.