Fish stocking help


New Member
My tank is a tall 110G (48" X 30" X 18"). It's currently Fish Only running for almost a year, but I plan on starting to add soft corals again in a few months. My first coral attempt failed when my MH ballast went out and I was out of town and I couldn't recover the 3 pieces when I returned.
I'm currently trying to figure out how to complete my fish stocking. Currently I have:
2 Blue/Green Chromis (2")
1 Ocellaris Clown (2.5")
1 Powder Brown Tang (4")
1 Diamond Goby (3")
Couple of hermits and snails
Just before Christmas I added the Goby and a Blue/Regal Tang. (Regal Tang was going to a friends tank when it got too big). From what I had read, the Regal and Powder Brown were from seperate genus and should of had enough room in the 110G to co-exist. Sadly, that turned out to be very wrong. As soon as the Powder Brown (normally very shy) saw the Regal, it wouldn't stop attacking it. The Regal eventually escaped into hiding. We had to leave to go to our parents houses shortly after acclimation so I couldn't stay and watch it and I don't have another tank running. The Regal didn't make it through Christmas. The Goby is doing great and working on my sand.
This makes me question all my thoughts on stocking the tank and I'm turning to you for advice. What fish should I add that won't have problems with the Powder Brown Tang (or anything else). I try to keep my fish below $40.
Should I temprarily move the Powder Brown Tang to a smaller tank when I add fish to make it less aggresive to new fish? Powder Brown wasn't originally in my plan, but my wife loved it because it followed her finger around the tank and it was a great price. Other than the conflict with the tang, I love this fish.
The chromis and clown follow the tang's every move with no conflict. The 4 fish are almost always within a few inches of each other leaving the rest of the tank empty.
future fish:
I know I'm adding another clown, I lost 1 a while back.
Chromis/damsels: I'm thinking about adding a couple more chromis to make a bigger group. Can I include a single (or 3) yellow-tailed damsels with them for a little bit of contrast? I really want something blue and the regal is no longer an option. Given the rest of the fish, would other damsels be an option if the tank stay semi-aggressive? What would be a good total number of chromis/damsels for this tank?
Goby: maybe a Hi Fin Banded Goby (with pistol shrimp ?)
Other fish I've thought of:
Six Line Wrasse (or other reef safe wrasse)
Royal Gramma
Dispar Anthias (just 1) (Conflict with chromis ?)
Cardinal (Spotted or Kaudern's)
DartFish (Firefish or Zebra Barred Dartfish)
Purple PsuedoChromis (just 1)
Butterfly Fish (would the Tang see these as a threat? Potential soft coral issues?)
Saddle Back
Flame Angel (or another dwarf angelfish)
?? Any other good ideas under $40
Can somebody help me decide my complete combination of these fish for my tank size? Anything that I should be aware of that I may have missed?


New Member
here is my stocking list for my 75 reef:
5" yellow tang
2" chromis
2" fiji blue devil
4" maroon clown
4" firefish
3 1/2" sixline
my thought on stocking my tank is as followed. 1 large fish for show and then 'filler fish' or other cool small fish that wont enfringe on the yellow in a sense. later i might add a jawhead or two (have a DSB), bangaii cardinals, and MAYBE a trio of fairy wrasses or something. IMO i think your problem is tryign to get too many big fish into a tank. stick with 1 show fish and put filler fish in there. i know i dont really listen to people when they suggest stocking lists and such (because im strong headed and do what i want lol) but this list has worked out for me and IMHO a stocking list with 1 show fish (your PBT) and filler fish would work great. i wont go over 12 fish (most are 4" or less). i can see a harem of fairy wrasses, dwarf angel, dartfish/firefish, and tons of gobys and blennies in that tank (metaphorically). GL with stocking yoru tank!


New Member
The maroon clowns can be a bit mean at times and will sometimes chase other fish depending on there size. hope this helps!