fish stocking list


New Member
I have a 75 gallon long FO tank:
considering this stocking list:
5 green chromis
regal tang
niger trigger
flame angel
sand sifting starfish
will this combo work?
I appreciate any advise.


The sand sifting star will eventually deplete your sand bed of all the good stuff.


Active Member
The trigger and tang will out grow the tank as well. It will work for a while, just have plans for the fish a couple of years down the road.


I think you made a good choice on the tang if you wanna keep a tang in a 75. You can start with the baby regal tangs. They are only about 1 inch and they are really cute. But I agree w/ stacey that the tang may out grow your tank coz tangs tend to grow very fast.


Active Member
I've seen several regal tangs that have reached from 6-8". A 75 gallon tank for that size fish is to small. It will last for a while, but will need a larger tank in the long run.


Active Member
Could a regal tang live permanently in a 84g 6ft tank. I really want one but i was told a yellow would be better. It seems to me that it would do fine in a 6ft tank. I know lots of people have them in 90s and those are only 4 or 5ft.


What other tank mates would be involved in that tank with the Regal?
Anything that would get bigger that 5-6 inches would be pushing the amount of fish that you would be able to put in there! But a regal tang should be ok for that size of a tank!


I have heard of regal a.k.a. known as Blue Hippo Tangs outgrow 90 Gallons. That species does grow large. i'm going with Stacey and saying the regal and niger triger would get too big. The angel adn chromis would be fine though.
Either of the blue tangs (powder Blue, 9.4 inches, palette surgeonfish ie regal, 12.2 inches)will quickly outgrow a 75 and die from stress. Do a search and you will read countless threads that say the same thing. For once and all the ONLY TANGS THAT CAN LIVE SUCCESFULLY LONG TERM IN A 90 OR LESS TANK ARE YELLOW(55), KOLE(55) AND PURPLE(75+) Do your research and look at comparitive sizes. The Niger will eventually outgrow the tank too seeing as the reach 19 inches, but they are tougher than tangs by a long shot. Those particular tangs are for experienced aquarists as well with well established and stable water conditions.
The rest of your fish are fine though, the chromis are a fine choice for flashy color and movement. The Flame will work well too just again make sure the tank is stable and established for a month or two.
Note that I am not fussing at anyone but use common sense guys and dont give out bad information or info on something you dont know.


Active Member
Regal will outgrow the 75 for sure. Would go w/ a Kole, purple or yellow tang.
My suggestion is that you pick either the trigger or the tang as the centerpiece of your tank and build around him w/ compatible mates. The trigger and tang will always compete for food and at full adult size can feel cramped together in a 75. My 2 cents for whatever it's worth.


according to
Paletta "The New Marine Aquarium"
Pg 99
a SMALL yellow tang can be in a 40 gallon long or a 50 gallon
2 Hippo Tangs can be in a 55
on Pg 107 ADULT Tangs should be in at least a 70 gallon
also - only one species (or genus) should be housed together

with the exception of hippo tangs as noted on Pg 99
for example -- a Hippo and a Yellow could be together
or a Hippo and a Purple could be together
but not two Yellow (same species)
and not a Yellow and a Purple (same genus)
according to
Fenner "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist"
Pg 304
50 gallons is required for a growing tang (so he concurs with Paletta -- an adult needs more than 50 gallon)
Fenner is really not as clear -- or at least doesn't go into it as much -- about which tangs for which size
Paletta only deals with the Yellow, Hippo and Purple since he considers them the only decent beginner tangs (his is a beginner book)
Fenner is more of a reef book and goes into the different genus and species of this family more
but the books --- both of which are very often highly recommended here at message board --- are very similar and pretty much back each other up pretty well on most everything -- The biggest difference IMO is that Paletta dismisses UGF outright and Fenner (more old school) gives UGF a little more credence - although in the end he doesn't really back them too much either
Well Paletta is obviously a FRIKKEN MORON to completely ignore what hundreds of aquarists have reported and other marine biologists have found out. Hippos are in no shape or form a beginners tang. He should lose any accredation for even suggesting such a thing. Obviously a case of a PHD (if he has one) writing a book just to pay the bills. They(hippos) require swimming room and a 55 or 75 is just not going to cut it in the long run. Check the publishing date on that too, it might be outdated, this hobby is continually being updated. Even books 5 years old have bad info.
I personally look to Scott Michaels as being the expert on individual fish species. Check out his books, they are dead on every time.
The Kole, yellow and purple tangs are the only species of surgeonfish(tang) that should be in a 90gal or less tank. PERIOD. Anything else and you are purposely killing an innocent fish, may God save your soul. :p
I did find the Lion fish part a little odd at the time but forgot about it. However the tang part is correct and that is confirmed by not only him but by people here and on the other 3 or 4 forums I am on. Tang police are everywhere heheh. The Regal is extremely tough to keep alive, maybe not as bad as an achilles but still not a newby fish. They get to be 12 inches long and like to swim and a 55 just will not work.


boy - I didn't know I was starting all this controversy
I figured most have read the bokks and it was old news etc
btw Paletta is 2001 and Fenner is 1998
I think this is - kinda - sorta - maybe - light lighting -- tank size is not the whole picture
say a small tang can live in a smaller tank( I am not going to put out numbers) but an adult needs a bigger tank
what is left out is - how many lbs LR are in the tank - I have seen tanks that are half or more filled with LR which effectively is half the swimming room
also - what else do you have in there -- if its the only fish that would seem better
these are only my thoughts -- and boards like this are used - AND SHOULD BE USED- as a forum for exchanging ideas
I DO know how heated some arguments can be though
As a Geologist - when Plate Tectonics was first being 'discussed' in the 60's some well known Geologists had very -- let us say INTENSE :) -- opinions on the subject
At one notably conference a fist fight -- all out mob scene brawl -- actually started between the two opposing camps
Today Plate Tectonics is pretty much an accepted theory and a lot of knowledge has been gained from the theory
But like all theories - we use them to learn what we can until something new -- and hopefully better - comes along that inspires continued thought
Heck - even some of Einsteins stuff is very recently coming under more scrutinity -- but look at the TON of stuff it has taught us in the mean time -- even if it doesn't hold up -- we BENEFITED from his insight
ok I said my peace
Have at it all!!!!!!!!!!!!
(thank goodness you guys can't punch each other over the net lol)
Put up your dukes! :p You want some of me? yeah you, I dont see anyone else standing there.
I get riled up sometimes especially when I see bad info being said as good, even more especially when its a hard to keep species being said its a beginners fish.