Fish Stocking Question?


New Member
ok after 2 weeks of my tank cycling i havent thought of what i will be stocking the tank with.
my tank is a rio 300litre(67 IMP/G) tank with a
red sea protein skimmer
juwel orginal internal filter
2 times 900 maxijet powerheads
75 pounds of live sand
40kg live indonesian rock
after 2 weeks my perams are
am 0.3ppm, nitrate 25 mg/l, nitrite 0.5ppm, temp 78/79, salinity 0.026
my wish list is a yellow tang, a yellow watchman goby and 2 false percs and a purple firefish. now the question is can some of you good people recommend me some good community reefsafe fish.
many thanks,


Active Member
y don't u get two true perc. clownfish looks better then false but the false clowns are more hardier tho and less aggressive..six line wrasse is cool..u can go with those small fishes and one big guy like a foxface..but foxface do better in a tank paired up with a tang. i don't really recommend a damsel some of them can be very aggressive and territorial..