Fish stocking suggestions/ideas


Hi all....we've narrowed our want list down to the following(so far :rolleyes: )
(2) green chromis (to start tank with, not sure if they'll stay)
(2) percula clowns
(1) royal gramma
(1) flame angel
(1) six line wrasse
(1) foxface, powder brown or yellow tang
(1) yellow watchman gobby, green mandarin or lawnmower blenny, would like to have 2 of the 3 if possible.
Any thoughts, suggestions experience, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Also what's best order for introduction to tank?


Active Member
I have heard angels are a little more difficult to keep for begginers but Im telling what I heard. I thought the foxface was venomous. And I have heard some ppl say to stay away from the brown completely but Im sure ppl have them and would say other wise.
The rest I see are mostly very peaceful fish.
But note this is going what I have heard and what I have read off the net.


Snipe Thought the flame angel would probably be one of the last ot go into the tank...prob. quite a few months down the road. Should know everything there is to know about this hobby by then.......:hilarious :hilarious


Active Member
Howdy there! Well the Foxface is venomous, but only if you touch his spines, there a cool fish, and very hardy, and there venoum is about twice as bad a s a catfish spine. so it wont kill ya. Angels are ok, but you should wait till your tank is at least 6 months old, same with the Tand, they like algea to eat, and i think you would really like the yellow tang, ive personally never seen a powder brown. I have a royal Gramma love it. Check out my pics on the fish photo section of the boards. and other peoples theres some awesome tanks around here, im humbled by most of them, but working on it. Keep asking around, im not to sure about the 6 line, and Clowns are always great , i love mine. Good luck Todd


Active Member
:santa: thats a cool little guy, and your more than welcome... ps. I love your dogs!! ( The Newfoundland) MY BROTHER HAS ONE :) TODD


I have a 6-line and I love him. Gorgeous fish and lots of personality. I would add him early on though because when first introduced they are very shy and get bullied. I would stay away from the Powder Brown Tang as they are very ick prone, unless you can find a healthy one. If you do decide to keep the Chromis I heard that they do better in odd numbered groups so instead of 2 buy 3 lol. That's my $.02. I hope it helps


Active Member
I may be a newb but I do know alittle bit of what im talking about lol :D . I have read to many fish sites lol.
Hi my name is Snipe and im a Aquaholic :help: .


Active Member
lol I herby sponser hippo he has tanken the first of 2,592,582.2 steps in being an aquaholic


My experience with a sixline is the opposite. I'd add one near last since mine has been a bit of a bully. Plus it might have issues with the Gramma. So put it in before the angel, tang and foxface but after everything else.
Your list looks good except for the Powder Tangs. Both need pretty big tanks from what I've heard. I have a Kole Tang which I highly recommend for that size tank. Smallest tang there is and it's more of a grazer than a swimmer so my 60 is enough room for it. Their colors might be a little drab for some but I love mine.


i must agree with migston put the six line in as one of the last tank mates. my six line is pretty aggresive towards new arrivals and pounded my Laboutei Fairy wrasse, lucky for me the next day the two were best mates.....wierd. but i would say add him towards the end.


Don't get a green manderine unless you have 100 lbs of live rock and a very mature tank. They eat pods and are VERY hard if impossible to convert to processed foods.
I loved my six line ::sniff::. He was a great little fish, don't know what happened to him. I only had a scooter in the tank with him and he never bothered him.


I've also heard that the flame angel can be hard on corals etc?
Is there a similar looking fish that would be safer for future corals?


Meadbhb - I have 65lbs of LR crawling with pods now, came from tank with fuge. I don't have a fuge yet, soon hopefully. Mandarine
prob. one of the last into tank. Thanks


i've got about 75 lbs of rock in mine, give or take 30 lbs live, 40 base, with the tank being 4 months old. My scooter wiped out my pod population in no time. I'm hoping it will learn to eat frozen mysin. I'm also going to start releasing live brine shrimp into the tank.