Fish stuck in power head


I just purchased a hippo tang because the one I have had for many years died. The new hippo is or was about an inch. I came home yesterday and it was stuck against a power head. I have 4 hydor koralia power heads. I shut off the two power heads where the hippo hangs out. It survived and was eating fine. I kept those 2 off but this morning it was stuck in the side of a power head on the other side of the tank and was dead.
How do I prevent this ? I am very upset that this happened and afraid to get another small fish. Thanks


Buy a bigger hipper 3" +
That same thing happened to me. I was reading that smaller hippo's are hard to care for, so just get a bigger hippo. What size tank is this anyway?


I just had this happen to me with my Sea Hare. Unfortunately it didn't make it. I'm not sure how the koralias are, but someone suggested to me to wrap a piece of sponge or filter around the intake to prevent anything from getting stuck. I thought upgrading to a koralia would solve my problem, but I guess they can still suck the fish in too!


Well-Known Member

A healthy fish will not get sucked up by a power head. The water flows toward a power head because it draws water in to release, and a sick fish just goes with the flow. The same thing happens with a Koralia. The sponge works for anemones, these are really nothing but snot filled with water. They have no eyes and just follow the water cuurent..
Fish are different, even little fish can swim away from a power head unless it is some giant thing too big for the tank.


Thanks, I have a 125 gallon. I Just wrapped the 5 power heads that I have with filter material and ty wraps.


I agree with Flower, you fish was most likely compromised and the power head was the final straw. Small fish like the hippos need special treatment and careful attention paid to make sure they are eating enough and water parameters must be excellent or better


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by zibnata http:///forum/thread/380552/fish-stuck-in-power-head#post_3312199
Thanks, I have a 125 gallon. I Just wrapped the 5 power heads that I have with filter material and ty wraps.

If you are going to cover the power heads, zip ties restrict the amount of water being pushed through, use clear fish line to secure it instead. Just kind of sew it and tie it off, no needle just thread it through the mesh...Keep in mind that covering your power head will restrict the flow of water it puts out as well. You also have to very careful to not let it get clogged, that will burn out the power head.


I agree with Flower too. That fish was on its way out. Regardless of the size they can beat the suction of a powerhead if healthy. I actually used window screen and covered my powerhead as I used a modded MJ 1200 and the opening were too big. I changed them later on and the opening were smaller so I didnt have to use the screen anymore