Fish suggestion anyone??


New Member
This is my first time to this board, but I should have joined long ago. I have an easy question. I have a 30 gallon reef tank, and I am setting up a smaller 10 gallon salt water tank in my master bedroom. My question is, what kind of fish should I put in here? It is fish only, and I would like something that is fun to watch and feed. I was thinking along the lines of a lion fish, but think my tank is too small for that. Does anybody have any suggestions? Thanks for your time!!

matt dowdney

New Member
Oh yeah 10 gallons are very small for fish for salt water. Look into a cow fish, they are so cool, I just wish I could get one, but I have polyps in my tank. Cow fish are so interesting and they seem to hover around the tank. I can't express how neet it is to see one in person. As far as lions go, get a 55 then we can talk.


New Member
A cow fish, that sounds really cool! I believe that I have seen one before, isn't it similar to a puffer? I am trying to look it up online, but I cannot fine it. Do you know what class of fish this is? I would like to read up on them.... Thanks again...

big dave

Matt- cowfish get around a foot long!!!! They are very hard to keep because when they get stressed out they release a toxin into the water which nukes the tank!!! Really, now more suitable fish would be maybe gobies, clownfish, or other small fish. What I would suggest is a neon goby, citron goby, and maybe a clownfish and that is close to overstocking! Maybe you could try a 6-line wrasse or a dwarf hawkfish they are both fish with tons of personality.


Active Member
in a 10 gal, id do a six line wrasse, and maybe a small clown (skunk) and be done with it. 10 gals can be hard to maintain so b prepared to do alot of changes and maintanance on it. bo


New Member
Thanks!! You guys are great! Here is my update: I ended up getting a couple of really small fish. I got a black boxfish, or cowfish, that is just dang cool. He has a ton of personality. I also added a couple of pajama cardinals, that are really young. I feel that it should be a good spread for that tank.
One more question for anyone with cowfish or cardinal experience: What do you feed them? I did some frozen brine last night, and the cowfish loved it. However, the cardinals were not very enthusiastic. Any suggestions/thoughts!
Thanks again!!


Why do you ask questions to the board and then not listen to the answers? I would say 99% of this board would tell you you're mad to get a cowfish in a 10 gallon tank. That would be the equivalent of me getting a dolphin in my 75. In honest, harsh opinion, I would say all three of your fish will be dead in less than a month.


New Member
Hey CraigJ, amazingly, I did read the boards about the cow fish. What I learned is that I need to keep him healthy, and not stressed. I also learned they grow big, but not as big in captivity. My fish is very small, less than an inch. I could cover him with a quarter. I really doubt he will grow out of control by tomorrow. When he does, there are solutions. The cardinals are very small also. I realize that fish grow, learned that from the boards too!
I appreciate your harsh opinion, but I beg to differ. You can bet I will keep you posted - if it is okay for me to post still!
PS - the dolphin is coming tomorrow.....
[ September 21, 2001: Message edited by: fiestyfish ]


Active Member
Hey Fiesty! Living up to the name I see! Good for you.
I don't have a Pajama Cardinal, but my Bangaii Cardinal eats Brine Shrimp and Formula 1. New fish sometimes take several days to start eating so don't be too concerned yet.


New Member
Well Mr. CraigJ, it hasn't been quite a month yet, but just wanted to update you on the status of my fish. Somehow, they are all still alive! I know you have sentenced them to death, but with the help of this board and some dumb luck of my own I guess, everything is thriving.
The cowfish is nearly 3 feet long now. Just kidding. Contrary to your prediction, he hasn't grown at all. I am just baffled?!
So my ten with a cowfish and two pajama cards are doing great. :eek: :confused:
Don't get me wrong, this is as I expected. Just thought I would help out CraigJ's wealth of bb knowledge....


one thing i am always confused about is the thought that such fish could not be kept in small tnaks. I know craigj and others will most likely bash me (i have a 135 with 4 fish in it by the way 2 small tangs and a flame fish and a jawfish) but what is the obsession with not have any fish in ones tanks? what if I put a massive filter on a small tank? would that make a difference?
I just want to know, cause i thought (it maybe wrong) that the size of your filter made a difference. So i am not suggesting that you throw like 50 fish into a 10 gallon, but I read earlier that a person would not even keep 2 damsels in one! I find this rather amazing.


Active Member
I have to agree with Craigj but would never predict death to our precious pets. I'm sure you know by now that the cow will eventually outgrow the cramped quarters of the 10 gallon tank. He will actually need a tank around 100 gallons when all is said and done. I'm a firm believer that you put saltwater fish in a tank environment while considering their adult size. This tones down the stress associated with having to move them at a later date. Stressing a cow fish could be deadly as they do release toxins and are more apt to do so as they get older. Enjoy him while you can but you will have to upgrade to a much larger tank if you want to keep the "cool" cow fish. Good luck!


Hey fiestyfish,
Congrats on the success of your Cow Fish I'm really happy that you were able to do this even though you have met oppostion. I would suggest you get a big tank they are much more fun and you can brag about them :D ;)


A bigger tank and some prozak. Craig was harsh but only being truthful. I don't care how small he is would you put a baby dolphin in a 75. The only reason people should take up this hobby is to give the fish a better enviroment than what is naturally offered, or at least try. I'll give you an E for effort.


Well not to be harsh or anything, but I don't think that we could ever even come close to providing an environment that is considerably as good and as stable as the natural sea. I mean look at the sea it supports so many forms of life. And I do know that we can't have aquariums that big, however we can't live under the inaccuracy that we provide something that is better for the fish.
Please no flames.
This is just my humble opinion up for debate and discussion.


Active Member
WHile it is true that we can't provide the same conditions as the ocean, we should at least TRY. Putting a cow fish in a 10 gallon is not a valiant effort. He/She will need a bigger tank, that noone should debate.