Fish suggestions for 100gal


Just want to hear some suggestion for my 100gal. What i have in there now is in my sig. I was thinking of getting a porcupine puffer but might not be enuff room for him. I want something that is active and has a good personality. My gf wants something that is colorful and exotic. Any suggestions on what i can add?


What kind of filtration do you have? How old is the tank? Do you have any live rock or just stones? Porcupine puffers have very good personalities, but they produce alot of waste, thus need a system(tankmates, filtration, etc) that can handle it. Also, porcs like to feed on shrimps, snails, and crabs, so your cleanup crew would slowly decline, but if you have no problem replacing them, then it really isn't an issue. An 100g would probably work for a long time(for a porcupine puffer), possibly for life, but many of them get to be very very large and require bigger tanks. Also, are you trying to make a community or agressive tank? The huma huma can pose a problem. Does he pick on your sailfin?
Flashy, active fish to consider:
School of green chromis
Flame Angel
Coral Beauty angel
purple tang(caution with sailfin)
yellow tang(caution with sailfin)
hippo tang(peaceful/ beautiful fish, but can grow large)
with the exception of the chromis, all of the above listed fish are pretty sensative and need a established/stable tank.


Tanks is about 2 months old but most of it comes from my 29gal that i have had for about a year and a half. The trigger, sailfin and the coral banded shrimp i have had for over a year. I have about 25-30lbs of LR. Its 20lbs in the main tank and about 10 in the sump. I have a US Acyllic 30 inch skimmer and DSB. Anything else anyone has to know just ask. The 29gal is still setup but its a QT tank now. Still has about 17 hermits and about 3 snails and about 10-15lbs of LR.


Do you want an agressive or community tank? Does your huma huma pick on your sailfin? The reason I ask is because if you want an agressive tank(triggers, lions, certain wrasses, eels, etc) then it limits you to agressive fish, thus cancelling out certain livestock.
Adding more live rock would definitely be a good idea. 1lb per gallon is what people shoot for, with many going far beyond that.


not necessarily agressive....just wanted to get one more fish. The trigger and the tang will not leave each other sides. They eat together, sleep together, and swim together. I have about 90-95 lbs of rock but only about 20 of its was actually live when i bought it. The rest will turn live in time.
I really want to get the porcupine puffer. The one at my LFS is about 1-2inches long. Its a good size so it wont be able to hurt the other two fish but i know eventually he will start eating the hermits and snails and things.


If you only plan on adding one more fish, I guess the porcupine would be ok. I'm not sure if that kind of stone will turn live, someone else might be able to verify if it will or not. And when I say porcs are "messy", I really do mean it. If there isn't enough biological filtration then they will foul up your water very quickly, that's why I stress the live rock.


yeah i have had a porcupine puffer b4. But the rock i have is base rock so i am pretty sure it will turn live. Plus i have the hermits that will not let anything on the ground long. I have to put the seaweed that i feed the tang up high cuz if they can get to it within 5 minutes half of them are on it. But i posted on a coupla more sites to see what others thought but i really appreciate it.


they have been together for a year and nothing has happened so far. But i dunno maybe he will go after him eventually. I still have the 29 setup tho so if it does happen the CBS will go to the 29.