Fish suggestions for a 180 gal

ImGetting a 180 gallon tankand i would like suggestions on what i can put in it
i woul like to put a niger trigger, emporor angel, orange shoulder tang, lunar wrass, snowflake eel and a maroon clown, and damsels
is this over done or can i add fish


i like the lunar wrasse. have one my self but from what i understand he must be the last fish added because he is aggressive to new commers.

gary jensen

New Member
I agree with Anthem. You also have to take into account the fact that the Lunare and Niger are big, sloppy eaters and will make a mess of food and thus raise your nitrates. This will make for less than perfect water conditions which is needed for many angels, tangs, and butterflies. I have had both a lunare and a niger and have been less than impressed with both. They both tend to lay around most of the day.